Chapter 13 -- take it or leave it

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[A/N: extra

Chia - Hufflepuff/Slytherin (idk which to choose)

Clario - Gryffindor/Ravenclaw

Luther - Gryffindor

Bergamo - Slytherin

Alonso - Hufflepuff

Continue with the story]

"Chia, are you ok? You've been quiet recently," Chia took off her headphones and turned to Clario.

Bergamo was sleeping on this whatever amount of hours flight, Chia was watching a movie and Clario was drawing up strategies.

"Yes," she didn't know what to say except for the fact that her back burned. Not an extreme way but more of a soreness. She's been getting them recently but it wasn't as serious as now.

"Get some sleep, we have 10 hours to go," Chia obliged. This 13-hour direct flight would be the death of her.

When she woke up, the pain worsened. Maybe because she slept at the wrong angle, that was usually the case. Yet when she stood up and was leaving the plane the burning sensation subsided. Soon, it was ignored and forgotten.

Her team stood there, not Barcelona Orb (the national team), it was Little Giant (her school team). As usual, she cried, left her luggage and ran straight for the group hug. Clario predicted this and already took hold of the luggage.

"I miss you all so much!" some giggles here and there, some giving her a hug and Chia was happy, very happy... what is wrong with her?

The trip back was normal, a nostalgic bus ride with lots of chatter, and her as the centre of attention of course.

"How was the Japan team by the way?" someone questioned, and everyone else added to that.

Chia wanted to say "They're going to be better than us," "Their growth rate is dangerous," or "They should be stopped," instead she said: "They are so friendly! I loved training with them!"

A player dramatically gasped, "You're- leaving us?" he pretended to faint.

Another player sniffed "I thought we were friends! How could you!" the others laughed.

"I barely managed to get you on the international team," her coach said, pulling her aside from the rest of the team. The other players had gone home already, and Clario stayed, as usual.

"They refused to let you in because you skipped this year's tournament," Clario confirmed.

"The only reason why you got chosen was because of your marketing value," Chia froze from what her coach said.

"What?" her voice a whisper, "What do you..." she faltered. Why can't they wait until tomorrow? Her day was amazing by reuniting with her friends and soon she'll see her parents again after a long time! Why now?

"C'mon Chia," Coach kneeled to meet Chia's eye level, "if you are given an opportunity, then take it,"

Clario coughed and looked disapprovingly at the coach's response. It wasn't appropriate, it may have made Chia feel worse, but it didn't. Something just clicked when Chia heard that. That's what she was known for, wasn't she? She's already unique enough with her pink and long hair, and dancing style in soccer. So of course that's what she would be known for, what else? But with her being a forward, if she doesn't perform properly she could be benched, or worse, the audience would not like her anymore.

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