Trials of Faith

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In a world where only two kinds of people exist. The powerful and the power hungry. Those who were born with gifts from the gods, and those who were cursed to be normal. Luckily for them tides change like the winds.

For centuries, these people lived together in harmony, as many individuals had to learn to look past their differences. That was until the King of Frasia suddenly disappeared without a trace. After months of searching he was simply proclaimed dead. The king himself was one of those who held no significant gift, just power over the people. And with his disappearance the towns-people turned against the gifted. War raged and blood was shed all across the small nation. The late king's son was crowned the new ruler and with his new found power he simply fed the flames of hatred. The gifted were hunted and massacred, a national genocide. They became known as the Unfaithful, shunned from society forever.

They say time heals wounds and from the perspective of someone who didn't live through this war, you could say it did. But scars never fade

The Unfaithful vanished from large towns and lived amongst one another in small communities and the powerless finally achieved a sense of serenity after decades of bloodshed.

That's where I come into the picture. I thought I was normal, but my seventeenth birthday would say otherwise. Did I just reawaken a decades old war?

Ok so I know this plot sounds ridiculously familiar but hear me out


finally had the motivation to write something. story coming out soon?? (maybe)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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