Chapter XII

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"Techno-" Wilbur coughed. His voice was raspy and he looked unwell. I doubt the guards have given them any food or water.

"Wilbur. Niki?" Techno said surprised. "I had no idea they got you too." His tone immediately changed to sympathetic and soft

Niki was a smaller girl, a few inches tall than 5 feet. Her hair was blonde and her eyes were a striking crystal blue. Yet, as sharp as they were, you still could get lost in them.

"We're gonna get you guys out of here we just- have a poorly planned out...plan," Techno sighed.

"We can't get you all out right now. It'll be too obvious. We'll need to help them escape when the King brings all of them to the area to fight. It'll be our best bet right? When everyone is focused on something else," I mentioned.

"That might work. Can you guys sit here for just a few more days?" Techno asked.

"Yes. Of course. You guys are the masterminds after all," NIkki said with a slight Germanic accent.

"Wait, Techno. Is Tommy ok? What about Phil?" Wilber frantically questioned.

"Don't worry. They're alright. You already know Phil can handle himself. And as for Tommy. I'll protect him. We all will,"

Wilber nodded and with that we left the chambers with a sliver of hope guiding us.


It was a quiet summer afternoon strolling around the palace. I'd just turned 17. The day that would change my life forever was the day I thought was going to be like every other. Wake up, eat the leftover bread, and train. Train, train, ad train. What did I train for? Archery. The longbow nestled in my hand and the thin arrow, yet so powerful. It felt so natural. It felt right. I never liked using a sword. It was heavy and I was never skilled with it. So my job was to sit on the walls guarding the city and shoot down enemies. Easy enough.

This day specifically though, I felt exhausted. Even though I'd slept like there was no tomorrow. My eyes were burning and every inch of my body ached. I just wanted to lie down.

When I reached the training court, one of the other archers approached me.

"Hey y/n!" I remember her saying. Who was she again? Robin was it? "Ready to start training?" She smiled gleefully.

Everyone in this training area was a normal human. Or so we thought. We were all trusted by the king, we were all trusted by each other. Most of the time.

Like yesterday, and the day before, I picked up a long, elegant bow and grabbed a quiver full of arrows. I trudged over to an empty target and began to set up the bow. I'm probably just tired from the training yesterday. Yeah. That works.

I brought the bow up and pulled the string to my cheek. Suddenly, another knight bumps into me, causing me to release the arrow. The arrows whizzed past the target and almost struck someone in the foot. The knight who'd bumped into me snickered.

"What's your problem!?" I shouted. I was furious and I shouldn't have been.

"What are you gonna do about it? You're the best archer in the kingdom aren't you? Why'd you miss the target?" The tall boy teased.

My breathing grew heavy and my chest swelled with anger.

"I'm not doing this right now," I turned around and loaded another arrow.

"Pussy," the boy spat. Everyone laughed. Everyone. Laughed. At me? I wouldn't allow it.

"I wish all of you would just - I don't know - die!" I roared, whipping my head around. Suddenly an agonizing wail came from the crowd. A random guard held his throat as if an invisible force was choking him. Except it wasn't invisible. A shadowy wispy figure strangled the boy and hissed. Soon enough, everyone dropped dead around me. My eyes widened and then everything just... stopped


I sat up as I awoke from that terrible memory. It was just a dream. All five of us were lying down in an empty barnhouse. I remember now. We couldn't find an inn that would take us all, so we had to settle for an abandoned barn in the rural parts of the kingdom.

This was going to be a long long heist.

A poorly written chapter? Yes. Something to read? Also yes. I have so much homework to catch up on and my med class is not taking it easy on me. I also got a huge concussion a few days ago doing the most normal thing. Playing a sport, volleyball. How? I hardly remember! The last thing i can recall is sitting in the ER. 

Again sorry for the lack of updates I can tell you right now, im considering dropping this story just like I dropped the whole box of eggs today. How many survived? None! And here I am at 3 am in the morning writing this. 

My back hurts-

Also a back flash but idek if ygs can tell. Again, a poorly written chapter. I didn't even double chack it for spelling mistakes. So if you see something like e/c -color or one eyes red and the other side red again, you'll know why. 

Also my dog is so cute guys i just wanna mwuah

ok actually though:

thanks for reading this story even though its absolute garbage. I cant believe I though I could be a successful writer back in 2022. Ygs r absolute legends and hopefully if i keep writing it will progressively get better? Who knows. I also have to help my brother with his health class over the summer so idk if you'll get updates or not.

rember to stay safe, drink water, eat your food, tell someone you love them, and yea. Ily guys. 


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