Chapter I

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Y/N Pov

Present day - 6 years after Unordinaries were ordered to be killed

!tw: minor mentions of blood!

I trekked through the thick snow, my breath forming before me. I pulled my scarf over my mouth. My legs shook aggressively from muscle fatigue and my hands turned purple from the cold. My nose was runny, but I trudged on. Snow fluttered down onto my h/c hair, sending a chill down my scalp. I blinked the tiredness from my weary eyes. It had been a long week. Too long in my opinion.

"Look! There," Someone yelled from behind me. I sharply twirled my head and met seven pairs of eyes glowing down at me. The royal guards!? How did they catch up to me so fucking fast?! I thought to myself as I sped through the snow. I didn't waste a single second as I bolted down the hill. The pain in my legs seemed to disappear, but I knew it would find me again. Just like the royal guards did. I knew they wouldn't kill me, they weren't allowed to. I glanced at my hands still purple, begging for even just a bit of power. I felt the rush of energy flow through my veins lingering in my fingertips. It was right there. I could get out of here in an instant. Or I could end up killing everyone within a 50 mile radius, including myself. I sighed. I don't know if I should- I don't know if I have control yet... I just continued to run, shoving my hands next to me, the warm tingle left in the dust.

I slid down the mountainside, ignoring the sudden rush of snow that flew into my face. A spear flew past me and I leaped aside startled. I tripped on my foot and fell face first into the freezing snow. I felt a pair of hands roughly grab at my arm. I swung my leg around tripping the guard and noticed the other ones starting to catch up. I grabbed a handful of snow and sprayed it into the mens' eyes. I pulled a full dagger out of the fallen guard's pocket and gripped it tightly in my right hand. I resume my sprint down the steep slope tripping on the slippery snow a few times. Things were thrown at me ranging between knives and sticks and snow. A dagger whizzed past my left ear cutting a piece of my hair. Shit. I gripped the knife even tighter, turning around and threw the knife puncturing one of the guards in the neck. A spray of red blood littered the blue sky and rained down on to the pure white snow. Losing my balance, I fell backwards and tumbled down the mountain.

I looked up to see a flicker of light. Squinting and struggling to stand, I started my sprint back up. A village. I could hide there. I dared give a glance behind me, the remaining six guards on my tail. My feet started to ache and the sharp pain in my legs crawled back, biting at my thighs and calves. I hissed and tried to push the pain aside. Even though the cold nipped at my skin, beads of sweat dripped down my face.

Upon reaching the small village, I quickly pull off my cloak and scarf. I pulled out an abundant amount of gold and traded a villager for a new cloak and scarf. I bought new shoes and food as well. Slipping the new shoes on and flinging the cloak over my shoulders, I toss any evidence of myself into the river.

The village wasn't huge, but humble. The snow hadn't reached this part. At least not yet. Several paths wound around the village, and there were villagers everywhere. It was easy enough to blend in, but I needed to be safer.

"Hello sir," I say approaching an old man. The old man looked at me and smiled. "Would it be alright if I stayed here for a bit?"

"Of course young lady," the old man let me into the humble home.

"Thank you sir. I hope I'm not invading your space" I looked around. The house was simple. A kitchen sat on the left side of the house and a small lounge room rested on the right. A narrow hallway led the way down to two bedrooms, both tidy and neat. The walls were a dark oak, the rooms lit by small hanging lanterns.

"It's alright young one. Can I get you anything to eat?" The kind old man asked, stepping towards the kitchen.

"Thank you for the offer sir, but I'm good," I smiled back. "Uhm- I also must mention..." But I was too late. A knock landed on the door and I reached my hand out to stop the old man. The door opened leaving me exposed and staring into the eyes of three guards.

"Excuse me? May I help you?" The old man said.

"Yes, in fact we are looking for a girl about 18 years old. H/c hair and a dark brown cloak. She had a burnt orange scarf?" The guard in the front said.

The old man looked at me. He turned back towards the guards. I held my breath. This is it. I'm going back to that wretched kingdom.

"I'm sorry. My daughter and I haven't seen this girl you seem to be searching for. But may I offer some food for your long journey. I'm sure you've been after her for a while now." The old man smiled up at the towering guards. He just lied to a royal guard.

The guard in the front gave me a skeptical look, as I refrained from dropping my jaw. "Right, sorry for bothering you sir. And I think my men and I are stocked up enough on food," the guard gave him a nod.

"Good luck," the old man closed the door and looked at me.

"Thank you- you have no idea how much that meant." I quietly murmured.

"So you're one of the Unordinaries? Or so the king calls them," The man waved my 'thank you' aside.

"Yes sir,"

"I was here even before that brute for a king was crowned. It was different then," The man sat down on the couch with a grunt. "The gifted and the people without power thrived amongst one another peacefully. Until the king came along and slaughtered, or tried to slaughter all of them one by one. There are still some out there, too afraid to come out of hiding."

I bowed my head. "Thank you for telling me this. It was good to know the truth for once," the old man smiled and nodded. I stood up and grabbed my belongings.

"Please, stay for the night. You must be exhausted." The man said generously, motioning towards the hallway.

I glanced down at my worn down hands which were covered in cuts and bruises, "I guess I could spare a day," I grinned walking down the hallway and into a small, dusty room.

First chapter pog! This one was kinda just pulled out from the top of my head and I kinda just need something interesting to happen. I'm planning out chapters two and three at the moment, so just trust to process.

Chapter I Summary:

Y/N is being hunted down by a pack of royal guards who were sent by the king to capture all Unordnaries. Just when Y/N thinks she is safe in the snowy mountains north of the kingdom known as Manburg, the guards manage to find her and they begin their chase. During her accent down the mountain, Y/N comes across a peaceful village and asks an old man if she can hide in the safety of his home. The guards ask every villager if they've seen Y/N, but everyone says no, including the old man who was keeping her in his home. He ends up telling her that the king is a tyrant and has been wanting the Unordinaries dead for six years now. The man invites Y?N to stay in his home for the night and the chapter ends with Y/N knowing some of the truth.

<33 Ah hope y'all liked this first chapter! I'll be sure to release chapters two and three sometime soon. I love you all /nh. Stay safe <3

1394 words


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