Chapter XI

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The air in the palace was thick as always, carrying the heavy weight of fear and the scent of blood. The hallways all looked the same, large torches hanging from the walls, with elegant, red rugs running endlessly. It brought back so many unwanted memories. Memories I thought were wiped from existence. But they were still here to haunt me.

"Hey. Are you...alright?" Techno's voice brought me back. I gazed up at his broad figure and smiled.

"Yea, of course. Why wouldn't I be," I managed not to stammer and looked forward.

"It's just that you seemed so, how do you say this, out of it," He said with a gentle tone.

"Heh- I guess it kinda hits hard when you're walking through the same place where you were forced to watch innocent people die and were trained to massacre millions," I chuckled lightly. Techno nodded his head and looked down.

Silence filled my ears. I thought over the plan to free our friends and made sure there weren't any missing details I may have forgotten to take into account.

And then it hit me.

"Have you ever wondered where George and Sapnap are?" I asked. It suddenly just dawned on me that they hadn't been with us at the cottage or anywhere near there for the past few days. Maybe those scoundrels really did run away. I had no right to trust them. I'm a fool. I suppose that I just wanted someone to trust again. A silly mistake as always.

"Who cares. They didn't matter to me and they shouldn't matter to you. They'll only slow us down with their whining and stupid remarks," Techno scowled. And I couldn't help but agree with him.

As we continued to pace down the halls and make lefts and rights, we eventually reached the right place. The cellars for Ordinaries. We approached two guards standing in front of a large metal gate that led to a spiral staircase into the depths of what every knight thought was hell.

"Hello," I said sternly. "King Dream has sent us to check on the new prisoners for him and prepare them for the arena"

One of the guards eyed me and asked, "Is that so? What is your name young knight?"

I begin to feel sweat crawling down my back and I stuttered, "My name is uhm... It's-"

"I'm Alex and this is [your nickname :D]," Techno interrupted. The two guards looked at each other an nodded. They let us through, but I could feel their cold stares following us down the stairs.

"Thanks, Techno. You really came in clutch there," I exhaled. I didn't even realize I had been holding my breath.

"Not a problem," Techno replied with a smirk.

The short journey down the stairs seemed like an eternity. My heels were sore from the hard stone the stars were made of and the carpet lining that was in every hall 20 minutes before, gone. I couldn't help but worry about Phil, Tommy, and Lani, who might be struggling to blend in with the folk around here.

At the bottom of the staircase, was a dimly light chamber with cells stretching to wherever the end of the room was. Rusty iron bars reflected the light of the torches. The sad, sunken expressions of the prisoners were heavily defined as the shadows of the cheeks across faces.

It pained me to see them like this. I wish I could free them all. But that would take an army. Even an army couldn't take down Manburg's military. They were just to well trained.

We walked down the hall checking every cell until we heard faint whispering from a nearby room. We gazed inside and there sat a lonely looking Wilbur and a small girl with gorgeous blonde hair.

Do enjoy this quick chapter I wrote in an hour, didn't proof read, and now I am suffering from sleep deprivation. Not to worry though because I've been getting lots of sleep anyways. <3

- duckey :)

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