Chapter IV

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Y/n pov

!tw: mentions of blood!

I came to a stand and looked into the distance, the cold biting my ankles. George and Sapnap approached from the shadows and waved. Well, George waved. Sap was just wearing his usual frown.

I let out a deep sigh.

"Well?" Sapnap snapped. George lifted a hand to calm him down. George silently turned towards me.

"Well-," I took a deep breath, "you guys can come, but-"

"Always a but, " Sapnap shook his head.

"If you speak one more time, I will have you be-headed," George threatened. Sapnap lifted his hands in a surrendering position.

I shook my head and continued, "But, you guys have to, one, behave, two, do as I say, and three, do all the dirty work." I smirked. "Oh! And no secrets whatsoever."

George's eyebrows were knitted into a confused expression. "Elaborate on 'dirty work'."

"Hunting, fighting off royal guards, night watches, obtaining supplies, blah blah blah, etcetera, " I nodded. I could see the boredom in Sapnap's face and on George's, well, let's just say he wasn't too happy about my rules.

"Fine, but you also have to do night shifts. Men need sleep too," George agreed finally.

I waved him off and started down the mountain without warning. "Are you coming?!" I yelled at them. George hurried after me, followed by a very grouchy, Sapnap.

We travelled for hours and managed to somehow get lucky and not run into any royal guards on our way. I realized that I didn't know where I wanted to go next. I kinda just went wherever the breeze took me. I pulled out a map from my bag and analyzed it for a few minutes.

George breathed heavily, "Can we- huff- rest?" I turned around to see him with his hands on his knees and beads of sweat dripping down his face. I frowned.

"It's only been, like what, 4 hours. Man up George," I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk. I heard George yelp as Sapnap grabbed the collar of George's tunic and dragged him after me. I saw a spot marked on the map. It didn't have a name or anything. It was just a small dot centered in the middle of a large forest. I frowned. Well we could give it a shot. It's not like I actually have places to be. I rolled up the map and walked south east towards the small dot marked on the map. George and Sapnap followed my lead, slowly walking behind me. I didn't bother to slow down for them.

We reached yet another thick forest and I could hear Sapnap sighing. I could guess why. He wouldn't be able to use his fire here.

I pulled out my map again and checked our location. It should be a mile and a half into these woods. Alright then let's see what's in here. I folded up the map, shoving it into my bag and started walking again. It occurred to me that George and Sapnap never held many conversations unless it was one fighting the other over something lame. I shrugged the idea off considering that what happened between them wasn't any of my concern.

I avoided leaves and branched when I saw several tree stumps, a put out fire, and axe marks on trees. I traced my finger along them. Fresh. I looked around cautiously. Someone has been here recently. Did the guards get here before I did?

"Hey Y/-" George began.

"Shut up," I put a finger to my mouth and crouched low. I started to walk away when I heard a knife whiz past my right arm, barely grazing my skin. Before I had the chance to react, another came and hit me right in my left arm. I screamed in agony and saw endless red streaks falling from the wound. I could hear George and Sapnap rushing to hide behind a tree. I could hear the wind rustling the trees in the distance. But above all, I could hear my heart racing, my breath growing wild, and a small voice in my head chanting three words. Death is here. I looked up, my vision blurred from my panic and I could see a flash of pink moving quickly amongst the treetops.

Suddenly, vines grew from every direction creating a dome like shape around me, George, and Sapnap. My heart slowed down and my breathing slowed. My back leaned onto a nearby tree and I just sat there. I looked over my right shoulder at the bloody mess. I could barely even lift my arm at this point.

George and Sapnap ran over to me.

"Wow, that looks really bad," George said.

"No shit, Captain Obvious," Sapnap shot back.

"Sorry! Sorry," George replied innocently.

"Please shut the fuck up and do something about it then," I practically yelled. "Oh my god. When will you guys just stop bickering and do something useful with your lives."

George looked at the wound and touched the skin around the knife. I flinched at the sudden contact, but remained still. He turned around and ripped a piece of his cloak apart, wrapped it above the wound, and gently grabbed the knife by the handle.

"This will hurt. A lot," George warned. I rolled my eyes at his obvious comment. George frowned at me and without hesitation, he roughly pulled the knife from its place.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed, biting my tongue in the process.

"Bet that hurt didn't it," George said in an "I told you so" voice. Sapnap was laughing his heart out in the background and I just sat there as George cleaned the fresh puncture wound.

"Yea- well. I hurt more than I thought it would ok? But-," I paused, "thank you."

George looked at me surprised. He then looked down to hide his flushed face. "Yea- no problem."

He wrapped my arm tightly in bandages and we stood up. I touched the tender wound and winced. This was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made. I almost got myself and my two "comrades" killed.

"How are we gonna get out again?" Subpoena asked.

"I'm going to have to lower the vines, but I don't know if this person trying to murder us is still out there," George said in a worried tone.

"I mean we can lower it and run?" Sapnap questioned. I pondered, staring into the void of vines.

"Sure I suppose," George answered without even thinking.

"Wait-," I turned, but the vines already started retracting. Guess it's their turn to get me killed. I backed up into the center of what used to be a dome, and looked around, anxiety filling every inch of my soul. A man leaped from the trees and looked me dead in the eyes. This man. His eyes were blood red and his hair a soft pink. Whoever he was, he did not look like he wanted to play games.

"You walk into my territory? You answer to me," He growled.

Hello! Interesting fourth chapter aye? Hope you guys liked it. I'm starting to introduce more members from the smp, but I don't wanna throw them all in at once y'know. I really just wanted some action, so here ya guys go.

Chapter Summary:

Y/n has decided that she will allow both George and Sapnap to follow her during her endless journeys. Only on a few conditions of course. During their journey, Y/n decides she wants to check out a small place marked on her map. It's a small place, so she thinks its a town or something. When they arrive at the area, they are attacked by an unknown man with pink hair and blood red eyes. Y/n gets injured and George protects the trio. After making some shitty decisions, George lowers the barrier that is protecting them, only to be face to face with the man who attempted to kill them.

Guys I uploaded this a day early. Are you proud of me? /j

ily guys /nh <33 Again i didn't read over this so, probably some mistakes :')

1347 words


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