"The light sceptre consists of the powerful light magic that can free the guards from the power of dark magic, Princess Y/n and Chancellor Kaden will know the source of the dark magic since they are both light elves. It's best if we prioritise them and make sure to get them inside the castle," Commander Kokochi explained the plan thoroughly. "So, any inquiries? Any questions regarding the plan?" The higher-up palmed the teaching stick he carries around everywhere.

"Uh... will there be snacks right after?" Gopal raised his hand sheepishly, earning looks from everyone but mostly his friends. A cricket sound played in the background as he nervously grinned as a result. "What? Was just asking. He did wonder if there's any questions," He tried to defend himself as they wondered if his question was really necessary in the middle of a war like this.

"Since no one is here to ask a decent question..." Commander Kokochi began, emphasising the last part of his sentence. Gopal could only laugh nervously in his spot, caressing the back of his head. "We shall begin this operation, Master Flyer Swift, give a signal to Captain Kaizo in Planet Plasma," He commanded the Aeroan, who nodded his head in response. "On it, Commander!" The flyer stood straight and saluted him.

"It's time...." Commander Kokochi walked forward, clenching his fist tightly before he looked up to the Glamouran walls of the kingdom of Llumina. "Attack, for Glamoura!" He yelled to the top of his lungs, causing everyone to let out their battle cries. One by one, they ran towards the entrance of the kingdom. The sniper team began shooting down all of the guards who had the gates closed in order to gain access to the entrance that was locked.

"We are under attack!" A Lluminarian guard screamed to the others, hoping that he could alarm them and seek assistance. It was still dark, and the Caecus sun had yet to rise. The guards couldn't make out the source of the shooting, but all they could do was do a counter attack to the closest opponents. "Call for reinforcements!" The leader of the Lluminarian troops angrily yelled to the others as he marched over to the closest canon that they could use.

"But Captain, General Erithrius said they are on their way now!" The guard nervously announced to the higher-up, gulping at the overwhelming glare that he was receiving. "Faex! We need to stall them once and for all, Knight Bachelor, get the cannons ready!" The leader of the troops unsheathed his sword as he marched over the edge to try and see the situation down below. "Yes, Captain, understood!" The young guard nodded his head before he passed on the demand of their captain to the other Lluminarian knights with him.

"Load the cannons, gentlemen! We will battle 'til dawn!" He yelled, encouraging the Lluminarian guards with him to do the orders as quickly as possible. "There is no time to waste, now fire!" The Captain furiously spoke again in a loud outburst, surprising some of the lower-ranking guards who were trying to set up the cannons. In a fast manner, they lit up the large calibre guns, producing ear-piercing noises of explosions, with heavy cannon balls travelling in the air to stop the infiltration of their opponents.

"Keep them going! We must not let them enter!" The Captain repeatedly demanded, narrowing his eyes at the incoming disaster.

"Oh no! Slow-mo... Power!" Ying ran as fast as she could before releasing a strong and powerful beam from her watch. A hologram of a clock appeared right before them, with the cannon balls passing through it and their speed suddenly changing in a drastic manner. "My turn, hehe!" The molecular superhero positioned himself against a rock, the edge of his gun being aimed towards the large cannon balls with great accuracy.

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