Chapter 57

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————— Percy's POV: —————

It was late when I woke up, my bleary eyes opening to the dark world around me. I took a swift breath as I sat up, one of my hands rubbing my eyes as I looked around me. Beside me my clock showed a bright 2 am.

I blinked a few times trying to see if I'd be able to go back to sleep tonight but by the looks of it that was a resounding no.

I groaned as I pushed myself off the bed. My feet made contact with the floor as the cool air wrapped around me. I could feel the goosebumps raise on my skin as I began to walk for the door.

I let out a yawn as I silently walked down the halls, passing everyone's room without so much as a peep. As I walked down the stairs I looked around. The house was only lit by the moonlight flooding in through the windows.

It was almost like walking into a haunted mansion.

I reached the first floor and turned to the kitchen. I figured I'd make some tea. I never had been a huge fan of tea before I came here, and now all my mind could think of was the tea Alfred usually made me before bed.

I walked into the dark kitchen flipping on the lights with a small click as I headed over to the pantry.

I began digging through the shelves of food when a voice came from behind me, startling me into a flinch.

"Look what we have here." I felt my muscles tense as I turned back in an instant. Behind me stood Selina, the woman who I'd met at my first party with the Wayne's. She smiled coldly, almost tauntingly as she leaned against the island counter, her sweatpants and tank top showing she'd clearly been sleeping like I had. "Seems I wasn't the only one unable to sleep." I blinked for a moment, realizing I'd been frozen like I was caught in the act of stealing. I nodded, retracting my hands for a moment.

"Yeah, it seems like it." Selina's smile widened slightly as her eyes eased. It was now that I noted that her eyes weren't dark, rather she just hadn't removed some makeup around her eyes so it had smudged. Still I noted just how classy she was in both looks and posture.

"I'm sorry little kitten," she pushed herself off the counter's edge and towards me, her hand settling in my hair. I shut my eyes as her nails gently ran through my hair. It felt nice. "I didn't mean to startle you." She removed her hand as she turned to the pantry as well. "What were you looking for?" She asked, her green eyes flicking over the shelves.

"I..." I turned to look as well. "I was looking for some tea." I said finally. She looked at me from the corner of her eyes, the small hint of pastel green shining lovingly.

"That sounds like a lovely choice. You mind if I indulge with you?" She asked. "I can make some night snacks." I paused before nodding.

"You have a preference?" I asked as I turned back to the shelves.

"Earl gray." She mumbled back, grabbing a few ingredients before heading for the fridge, her walk elegant and precise. I noted how I couldn't hear nearly any of her movements. I grabbed the earl gray tea bags before going into the kitchen to prepare.

I grabbed the cups and filled them with water and when Selina wasn't looking I wrapped my hands around the cups pretending to bring them to the other side of the counter as I boiled the water inside quickly, watching as the water bubbled violently. I pretended to mess around near the microwave before walking back to my spot, already putting the packets in the water to steep.

We worked quietly until Selina walked over with two glasses of what looked like yogurt parfaits in hand. She passed one over to me as I slid a glass over to her. She gave me a gentle smile as she placed her perfectly manicured hands around the glass

I hadn't heard her come in today so I was still a bit surprised to see Selina here at all right now.

She sipped on the glass carefully before a smile curled across her lips. "It's lovely, thank you Percy." I nodded, taking a sip of my own drink before taking a spoon and eating the parfait. It was delicious to be fair, I couldn't help but relax as I dug in.

I spared a few glances at Selina and I couldn't help but think how she seemed to fit in perfectly with her surroundings. She almost looked like she was from a catalog in a magazine or like she was in some super fancy comercial.

"So little kitten," she smiled as she met my eyes and I realized I'd been staring, I quickly turned back to my cup. "I know we've never properly met, but I hope you won't mind my company."

I shook my head. It seems she and Bruce might be getting more serious.

"Are you and Bruce together?" I asked quietly, testing the bounds to see how much she'd be willing to divulge.

Her lips curled up once more but this time her eyes softened in a unique way, suddenly she didn't seem so intimidating and rather more empowered, like instead of a tyrant I was talking to a caring queen. It was a strange feeling.

"Yes, me and Bruce are together." I nodded, sipping my drink lightly. "And...does that mean you'll be moving in soon?" I asked, leaning my head to the side slightly.

She thought for a moment, her eyes leaving me as they turned to her parfait. "I suppose it could."

"Could?" I asked.

She chuckled lightly. "You're a curious kitten huh?" She gently ruffled my hair once more, this time though I found myself wishing she'd prolong the action as she retracted her hand. "You know what they say about curiosity and cats."

I shrugged. "I do, but I find I'm willing to extend one of my nine lives as the cost for information." I replied. Her eyebrow raised and once more I was reminded of her regality.

She paused for a moment before she grinned, baring her teeth slightly. "I like that answer. It's quite a brave answer though." I looked back to my coffee. Not to say I didn't like being called brave, but for me and my life being brave often resulted in a life ending but unlike cats we only had one.

Selina seemed to notice my change and carefully she pushed herself off the counter before leaning beside me. With a tentative arm she pulled me into her side, her warmth a loving reminder as she pulled her nails through my hair.

I leaned into her, shutting my eyes and for a moment I was back with my mom, the two of us sitting on the couch, it had been a long day for her and yet she held me tight, her tired hands stroking my hair as I fell asleep beside her. I opened my eyes a moment later, I was back in the Wayne manor, back with Selina, back with my warm tea, away from my mom, and yet I was with her. I felt myself smile fondly as I realized that mom would still be there for me, no matter what.

Together Selina and I sat together, drinking our tea, eating our parfaits, and curled into each other. Later that night Selina walked me to my room, tucking me into bed, even going as far as to place a loving kiss against my head.

"Goodnight my little kitten, sleep tight and maybe one day we can be lucky enough to be up late together again." With that she left the room as my eyes closed and I drifted off.

1336 words

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