Chapter 23 ***rewrite**

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-----------------Percy's POV:------------------

The setting sun pressed gently on my skin, the warmth radiating through my skin a nice contrast to the cold water rushing up and down my legs, though I fear the cool was doing nothing to help my probably red face.

Close beside me sat Annabeth, her body so close her hair tickled my shoulder, her arm gracing the side of my own, and her fingers laying carefully over my own. I couldn't tell if she was overly conscious of these small touches like I was, all I could see was her lovely carefree smile as the warm yellow sunlight made her skin glow.

Another swift breeze rolled down the beach, removing Annabeth's hair from my shoulder momentarily as it flowed off behind us and out of my peripherals.

The last week at camp had been everything I'd needed. In all honesty, I felt better than I had in a while. My week had been filled with nothing but smiles, training, and spending time with friends. I'd not been yelled at, I'd not been hit outside of training, and I was free to go wherever and do whatever without feeling the need to explain myself or my intentions. It was bliss.

Somehow, I'd also worked up the nerve to tell Annabeth everything.

------------A few days ago----------

Annabeth pulled me in carefully as small tears trickled down my face, her grip on me tight and showing no sign of ending soon. I could feel small wet spots where her own tears had landed on my back.

We'd fallen into silence. Annabeth hadn't said anything since I'd started talking and any questions she'd had lingering behind her eyes at the start of our talk had quickly been snuffed out, soon being replaced with a look of helplessness as she listened to what I said. I made sure to be detailed with Annabeth, I knew she appreciated that more than anything and it would prevent any lingering questions. She really seemed devastated when I displayed scars that came from Gabe, her eyes tracing and memorizing as she watched me point them out.

The moment I'd fallen quiet, the emotions finally bubbling up in the form of tears she pulled me in quickly, burying her face into my shoulder. I couldn't stop the tears as they became heavier and more frequent until there was a steady stream of them flowing down my face.

"I...why didn't you tell us?" She asked quietly. She was clearly trying to hold back a shaky voice in an attempt to comfort me. I only hid my face further into her shoulder, taking in the warmth of her hug as a form of courage.

"I was worried and embarrassed," I eventually managed, my voice calmer then even I expected. "I had to be a leader during the war, and to be defeated in my own home so easily...well how was I going to explain that?" I took a deep breath, my body shaking slightly. "It's stupid I-"

"It's not stupid Percy." Annabeth said harshly, quickly ending the thought. "You're strong but it doesn't make you invulnerable. No one would think less of you. I don't think less of you." I felt another patch of shirt become wet as I heard a small sniffle from beside me. I felt a small smile come to my face as I squeezed her tighter.

"Thank you."

"Of course seaweed brain, we love you."


After that Annabeth never seemed to leave my side, we didn't talk about it again but I noticed in little things that she did that she was trying to be more aware of me and things that seemed to make me uncomfortable. For that I was infinitely grateful.

Today all I'd done was hung out with Annabeth as Grover had some things to attend to with his girlfriend. Somehow though we'd ended up at the beach, the wonderful sunset luring us to take a seat and enjoy the view. It was too beautiful to miss.

The Demigod and The RobinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora