Chapter 7

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————Percy's POV: ————

It's been a week since Damien and I have been sitting together and we've seemed to have made a silent pact that he doesn't ask why I don't have lunch and he donates a snack in return for free seating.

Damien is actually a lot more talkative than I first assumed. Sure everything that comes out of his mouth is cursing or about his good for nothing brothers whom he constantly seems to have run-ins with even though he's established they all live elsewhere. I find it quite enjoyable actually as it reminds me of the kids back at camp.

"And then Tim said 'well you have less brain cells then a rock!' And while yeah sure he's right, everyone knows not to tell that to Jason, poor dude's sensitive, you never know when he'll pull out a kni- well he's mean so pull out a shoe or something and throw it at you with all his might." I laughed and nodded, pushing off the sour feelings that came with the name.

"Sounds quite entertaining. I have a sibling but I'm afraid he's way too nice to even consider throwing a weapon at me. " Damien scoffed.

"Don't sound so upset. That's a dream." He said, angrily taking a bite of the chicken he was given. "Clearly you've never been taped to the wall against your will."

I laughed as I imagined the situation before continuing."I'm not upset that we don't fight , it's just I don't really see him often... he lives far, far away. Even further now that I've moved." Damien just nodded solemnly. I've come to learn that Damien just happens to be a very solemn person but he's also very smart. It reminds me of Annabeth.

The thought of the golden haired girl brought a smile to my face as I quickly ate another cookie. Damien paused for a moment before looking over with a more flat expression. This was probably the happiest I'd seen him.

"Would you like to come over? I happen to know that my brothers will be out with the exception of Duke but that's obvious." I pursed my lips, Gabe wouldn't like me going over to someone's house.


But tonight was gambling night and I was always told to screw off on those nights.

"We have cookies?" Damien added, smirking as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fine. But I need to pick something up at my house first. So I can walk-"

"We'll pick you up, just send me your address." He picked up his phone but I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I actually don't have a phone." Damien didn't seem to hear me for a minute but before I could add anything he looked at me like I'd tried to throw a dog.

"What?! Jackson, don't kid with me!" I just shrugged, taking a bite of the cookies.

"Seriously, me and tech just don't mix. I haven't touched a proper phone in maybe... a good few years for sure." I nodded confidently as Damien continued to look at me like Ms. O'Leary looks at blackjack when we talk.

"God Jackson, I swear you're gonna give me an aneurysm." He pinched at his brows before letting out a sigh. "Right then just tell me."

I quickly told him my address as the bell rang. I quickly finished off the cookies before saying my goodbyes and running off to my next class.


I nearly tripped over myself by the time I'd gotten home. I'd had to sprint so I had time to prepare everything before Damien came.

I ran up the stairs and quietly burst through the door and into the kitchen. I barely had time to sling off my backpack as I threw it into the hallway, already grabbing ingredients for the food that I needed to prepare out of the cabinets.

The Demigod and The Robinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें