Chapter 1

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You were on your way to your next class, when all of a sudden you feel a tug on your bag. You turn around just to see Ryan, smirking at you. You dont want to know what hes thinking.
Ryan: Wassup buddy
You ignore him and turn around to continue walking, but he isnt planning to let that happen. He quickly brushes past you and stops in front of you, not letting you go away.
Ryan: Its rude to ignore people
He says with a smirk.
Y/n: What do you want
Ryan: Just wanted to see your face
he says and winks at you. You roll your eyes.
Y/n: If thats it ill be leaving
Ryan: Youre not gonna leave
He says with a cocky expression, you could hear that hes a little annoyed, but you ignore his words and walk past him, bumping against his shoulder. You walk a few metres and think he finally gave up, but oh, youre wrong. Ryan grabs your shoulder and pushes you against the wall, his knee between your thighs, while glaring at you.

(What will happen next??~)

Annoying classmate × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now