"All right, time for the trial you arrogant assholes." One of the guards called out.

Hours they had slipped away like shadows in the dim, damp confines of the cell. Stoick had lost track of time since the battle's conclusion. His suspicions of a crime being committed had been confirmed when the guards had said they were taking the Berkians to a trial. However, the crime itself was a mystery. Their only hope to stay alive after the trial was if the Jorgensons hadn't angered Hiccup enough to banish them from Draconian soil.

Peering through the cell bars, the Berkians could see a row of heavily armed guards, holding spears, while standing loyally beside them, a line of Speed Stingers loomed with raised stingers, ready to strike and paralyze anyone who dared defy them. The Jorgensons were the first to be escorted out, followed by the rest of the Berkians, Stoick at the front.

Ascending a flight of stairs, taking a 'pulley lift', and being escorted across several corridors, the Berkians found themselves at the doors of what the Draconians' called 'Justice Room'. Hiccup had told them during the tour that this room was where the Draconians held trials, where criminals and prisoners of war faced judgment.

The doors swung open, revealing a pathway flanked by villagers, the path led to a raised wooden platform, the 'judgment podium', surrounded by guards. On the opposing side, an elevated stone platform held a table where the council members sat, overseeing the trial.

Hiccup gazed at them with a mixture of hatred and disgust, a look shared by Camicazi, Valka, Dagur, and Mala. The air in the room grew dark as the villagers shouted threats and rage filled their faces. Stoick's concern now deepened as the anticipation of what lay ahead gripped him, and he audibly swallowed, glancing at Gobber, he saw mirrored expressions of worry on the faces of Astrid's parents and Gothi.

Astrid rose slowly to her feet, Stormfly let out a massive roar, silencing the villagers' shouts of threats and rage.

"All right, if I can have all the gathered's attention we can start the trial... We are all here today to judge and punish the entirety of the Hooligan Tribe residing on Dragon's Edge the Capital of the Draconian Empire, for the crimes committed against the throne." Astrid announced.

The Hooligans were shocked and now scared, a crime against the throne? If found guilty, they had no idea what punishments the Draconians gave, after all, they could literally become a dragon's dinner.

"The Hooligan Tribe are on trial for the attempted assassination of the reigning Royal Family, attempted murder of both soldiers and dragons of the Draconian Empire, and an act of espionage and distribution of secret information to a publically recognised enemy," Astrid stated sparing a glare at the Berkians.

Atali rose from her seat and continued, "Before the Hooligan Tribe were allowed on our soil, the rules and laws of the Empire were clearly explained to them, and still the Hooligans decided to not only kill the Royal Family but help plan the attack on our island which resulted in the deaths of many of our friends and family. Not to mention the time, money and resources we will have to spend on the repairs of warships, weapons and houses, this is an unacceptable crime... and thus the council has declared those of the Hooligan Tribe who will be found guilty, will be given the death sentence at the maximum or exile to Breakneck Bog." Atali sat back down after giving her speech, leaving the villagers ecstatic and cheering as the Berkians were consumed with fear.

The room, once echoing with taunts and cheers, fell into an immediate hush the moment Hiccup rose from his throne. Stoick could see the respect and trust they held for his son and thus became even more afraid of his upcoming judgment.

"The following members of the Hooligan Tribe are to be executed for their crimes at dusk, today, Spitelout Jorgenson, Snotlout Jorgenson, Mildew Babbler, Dogsbreath the Foolish, and Helga Minden. The accused will be given an hour to say their farewells and a meal of their choice an hour before dusk. The accused can also reduce the severity of their sentence to exile if they mention participants of the plan who haven't been accused." Hiccup asked the traitors.

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