Chapter 20 - Japan vs Spain (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"What?" Luther whispered, and Chia thought. He passed to Chia who ran ahead, knowing the ball would go straight to her.

"Is this all?" out of reflexes, Chia abruptly stopped and passed the ball straight to Bergamo. Nosaka stood in front of her, blocking her path.

She was going to run around but Clario- with a single eye contact- told her to mark him. Unwillingly, she stayed near this... stalker. And Chia had no choice but to watch the match.

"Does your loverboy not want you anymore? And now he told you to sit and stay?" Chia could hear her neck crack when she whipped her head to face the redhead. Nosaka didn't look phased at all.

"You don't fit here-"

"Shut the fuck up," Chia concentrated. Awaiting for Clario's orders, jogging slightly just in case they needed her.

"You're pretty much the outlier in the team-"

"Then doesn't that make me special?" Chia bit back. She doesn't know what his plan is but this was a weird change of tactic. He's usually calm and collected, maybe a bit mischievous but he'll never outright insult someone.

He's trying to make her mad- maybe distracting her, Chia would not fall for that.

Asuto got the ball and then passed it to Ichihoshi- it was a continuous pass. Not a single one of the Japanese members kept it for more than 3 seconds.

"This is..." Clario muttered, "CHIA!"

Her name was called, and hearing his voice louder than usual, Chia knew he was mad. She ran around Nosaka like he was never there and caught up to her captain in record time.

As she was about to reach Kazemaru (who had the ball), she heard Ichihoshi whispering so that only the two of them would hear.

"Is there something wrong? Orion student?"

Chia faltered. What did she do to them? Why were they targeting her? She doing nothing but her job!

"Chia get your head out of the clouds!" Clario said again, running to stop Atsuya who now had the ball.

"Certain Death Bear Kill - Decapitate!"

Alonso turned to bubble form and caught the ball, reducing its power and slowing it down then playing with it as if it was a child's play.

"What is wrong with you?" Clario seized her up, but Chia could not process the Japan team's tactic. Ok, they had a new plan, and it was what? Making her mad? Maybe a yellow or red card? She would never let that happen.


"Everything is under control," Chia breathed, calming herself.

"Is that so?" She could see the sweat dripping off Clario, this new tactic was also putting stress on him.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, Clario I made a tiny mistake and now you're up in my ass about it!" Chia raised her voice slightly.

"It's because you've never acted this way. There's something wrong and your focus is deteriorating- is it you back?"

"My back is fine, thank you very much."

"You said it was hurting a while ago-"

"That while ago was a couple of weeks! I've gotten better,"

Asuto moved closer to Ichihoshi, "Hey... Is this your plan? To make them fight among themselves?"

Ichihoshi shook his head and said nothing more.

"Alright, you two stop it," Bergamo cut in the two of them. Chia flicked her hair and walked away, Clario scoffed.

Alonso resumed by throwing the ball and Clario catching it, dribbling with force and colliding with the opposing players collapsing.

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