The 1940s surprise

Start from the beginning

,,Rogers? Like Captain Steve Rogers?

She inquired, her eyes narrowing in on the 17 year old girl.

Alena nodded. Her baby blue eyes met Peggy's brown ones again, this time with a small smile. She began to find all this pretty amazing.

,,I'm his ... daughter. And, now Peggy I know this may sound very crazy, but I'm not from this time. I'm from 2022, so, I guess around 75 years from now"

She explained, her expression turning very serious. And although she normally resembled her mother in everything she did, this expression in particular resembled Steve more than anyone.

Peggy looked at Alena, scanning every inch of her face for resemblance to her former love. She eventually found that very resemblance in the girl's eyes, who were the exact same colour as Steve's once were.

,,Mr. Jarvis would you be as kind as to get Howard? I think we might've found someone he'll want to look at"

She asked of the man in the back, who obliged right away and went off to get this Howard person.

Alena got up from the couch, leaving Peggy sitting there alone. She needed to pace or she'd go crazy. Then again, who was she kidding, this whole situation was crazy.


Peggy called out, making the girl stop. She was just as much confused as curious on how this girl who claimed to be Steve Rogers' daughter from the future and held the most accurate resemblance to him, got here in the first place.

Alena whipped her head around to the brunette, suddenly feeling very out of place in her sweatpants, Harry styles tshirt and black converse. Not to mention that her auburn hair just fell around her shoulders in its natural wavy form, which ... to be honest wasn't all that classy.

,,Sorry it's just, my mom and dad, Tony and I were building this time machine to bring back half of earth's population, including my best friend, because there was this big purple alien guy who loved rocks and snapped his fingers to 'bring balance to this universe' and it failed because my dad accidentally pressed the on button although we weren't done yet and I was sucked in and now I'm here"

She rambled in a speed even Peggy had trouble keeping up. Reality was crashing down on her in the worst possible point in time. When she was stuck in the forties with her dad's first love, a guy who was named like Tony's AI and some Howard guy she had no clue who it was.

,,Okay calm down for a second"

Peggy interrupted her, before she could go on, getting up from the couch with a sharp intake of breath this time. Alena knew there was some sort of wound there, but she didn't wanna push it.

,,You're Steve's daughter?"

,,Yes ma'am"

,,And you're from the future, where Steve Rogers is alive?"


,,Are you okay?"

,,Ye- wait what?"

Alena implored, thrown off by the sudden question about her wellbeing. All this just got weirder, the longer she was there.

Peggy examined the girl, a small smile making its way onto her face. From the short time she knew her, she'd already found so many things about her that reminded her of Steve.

,,I'm fine, yea, thanks for asking"

The girl in question answered, still too overwhelmed to properly think about anything important. She scanned the older woman's face for some sort of indicator on how she was feeling. This sure must be a surprise, finding out the person you lost is actually alive in the future and has a daughter.

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