"You're going to get us kicked out. Which means no party" then she straightened up

All the students apparently have to be announced so Thia and I are in this long line of our classmates. Not seeing any other villain kids, I was kind of worried that were the only ones until I heard

"Princess Uma of the Krakens and lady of the seven seas"

"Sir Harry Hook, knight of the seven seas"

"Sir Gil, Royal advisor to the Princess of the seven seas"

How did they get this information? Because I know even Gil didn't know.

We still had a lot of Royals in front of us.

"Princess Melody of-"

"Raya of-"

"Prince Ryder of-"

"Prince Flynn of-"

And so on until it was finally our turn. I let Thia go first of course

"Princess Cynthia of Hearts and future Queen."

That means wonderland chose her instead of her brother. Oh he's going to be pissed.

"Princess Penelope of the Underworld" he cleared his throat a little "and Balance Restorer of Olympus"

? Is that a prophecy?

I walk in with Thia and all eyes are on us. Some with the disgust and others with curiosity. We made it down the stairs before the next person was introduced.

I locked eyes with Caspian and I can't say that he didn't look handsome. But of course sticking with the plan, Mal is by his side.

Shifting my gaze to Henrik, I see him waving at me and jumping while standing with his sister and their parents I presume.

"Come on Thia, Henrik is apparently flagging me down."

I drag her toward them

"Hello Henrik."

"Penny" he said while bringing me into a really tight hug. "Oh it's good to see you."

My eyes are literally wide open and I'm trying to breathe while tapping his back as a K.O. Signal.
"It's good... to see... you... too"

"Ricky let the poor girl go" I heard the soothing voice of a woman while black spots start forming.

"Oh! Right sorry." He said as he let go. "Sometimes I forget my own strength."

I try and regain my standing while Thia is holding me up.

"It's-" I pant "okay" I try to reassure him which seems to bring the smile back to his face.

"As you know Meghan, my sister, already" he said while dragging her to him and putting his arm around her.

"Get off me" she says in irritation "I'm going to find Rose

"And these are my parents Megara and Hercules."  He said while pulling them to him. "Mom, Dad this is Penelope and Cynthia."

"It's nice to meet you."Megara said with a smile on her face as she extended her hand

"It's nice to meet you too." I told her matching energy

Until Thia burst in "This is so cool. You're a legend." She said while jumping up and down. I swear it's like Thia and Henrik are the same person.

"I think you mean wonder boy over here." Megara said while gesturing to her husband.

"I mean yeah he's Hercules but you're the Megara." I wanted to laugh at the bewildered look Hercules was throwing her. "You're basically the reason Hercules kept fighting so again you're a legend"

"You're a legend" I said at the same time Thia said it with all seriousness.

"Well thank you."

"So you're the daughter of Hades?" Hercules asked a little suspicious.

"I'm just going to go to my Aunt." This said while walking to the White Queen.

"Yeah, and Persephone." He was shocked "Yeah I just found out while coming here"

"You didn't know?" He asked shocked "I thought Demeter raised you? Father was pissed"

"Um yeah I was raised by yiayiá but she never told me anything. Just to stay away from Hades"


"Oh lighten up wonderboy . We are here for the children. Which includes your cousin / niece" Megara said

"Yeah..." I could tell he was hesitant

"Have you met my mother?" I asked Hercules

"Persephone?" I nodded "Yeah but she's more closed off now. Has been for the past 16 yea- oh"

"Is there a way to call her or to meet her somewhere?" I asked hopefully

"Only way to meet her is to go to Olympus but Father would actually kill you." Hercules said while scratching his neck.

"Oh..." now I feel hopeless

"I'm sorry." He said sincerely

"It's ok." I said "for what it's worth, I'm sorry for what my father did to you. He has secret picture of Poseidon and Zeus in his wallet that he mutters sorry to everyday but don't tell anyone I said that"

Again he was shocked. "Maybe he's changed..."

"Maybe." I shrugged. "I don't know him as anyone other than a father figure to me. As the limo was taking off to come here I could see yiayiá telling him something as he ran behind us. I think he found out that I was his missing child."

"He didn't know all these years?" He asked.

"No he was banished before he could search for me."

Hercules looked as little heartbroken.

"His actions don't define you Penelope." He said sincerely as he brought me into a hug.

"Thank you Cuncle" I smiled at him.

"Yeah no." He said as Henrik, Meg, and I broke out into laughter



"Ok Uncle Lee." He smiled at the name "just know I call your dad Uncpa." And then all of us broke out into laughter.

"I'd pay you to say that to Grandpa's face" Henrik said.

"Oh you're on Hero" I said to him as I got out of Hercules grip.

This felt like family. Them, Aunt Stasia, Thia, my isle family, and Caspian.

What more could a girl want.

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