A Resolution

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Tori's POV

I sit with Andre at the Asphalt Cafe for lunch. There's a stage set up for the Full Moon Jam tomorrow, and the performers are taking turns rehearsing their acts. Some people sing songs, some people do dances, others do comedy bits. I see Jade get up on the stage and test the mic. She screams at Sinjin, who's working the sound station next to the stage, to fix her mic before belting out a few lines of whatever song she's going to sing. I smile a little to myself, mesmerized by her voice. I'm snapped out of my trance as she stops singing and immediately continues yelling at Sinjin and the rest of the backstage crew. I turn back to Andre.

"So Andre," I start "did you hear that Beck likes Meredith?"

"I didn't," my friend says "Does Jade know? I don't think she's gonna like that if she finds out."

"As far as I know, she doesn't, but I heard that Beck and Meredith are going to be together at the Full Moon Jam," I say. "He's been trying to keep Jade and Meredith away from each other all week because he's afraid Jade'll kill her if she finds out."

"Damn, that sounds really tricky," Andre replies. "How has he not been caught yet?"

"I don't know, but he can't hide Meredith forever. I think I have a solution to all of this, though," I say. Andre leans forward, eager to listen.

"What if we got a guy to ask Jade out so she won't get jealous?" I propose "That way, Beck doesn't have to worry about talking to Meredith in public, and Jade gets a new boyfriend!" As the words come out of my mouth, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of Jade getting a new boyfriend, although I'm not sure why. Jade likes boys, so I should be happy about trying to hook her up with someone else, right?

"I think that could work!" Andre replies "So who are we gonna get to ask her out?"

"You could do it! You had a huge crush on her last year, right?" I suggest. Andre shakes his head.

"Yeah, and when I was three, I liked my dinosaur underwear," he retorts "Things change."

"I'm sure we can find someone," I say "I know Beck said that guys are usually too afraid of her, but Jade's a lot of fun! How hard could this possibly be?" I quickly look back at Jade, who's still screaming at Sinjin to fix her sound. Okay, so maybe finding her a new man won't be a piece of cake, but there's gotta be a boy around here who knows how to break through the thick layer of ice she keeps over her heart!

"I think the only way we'd get a boy to ask Jade out is if we paid him a lot of money," Andre says "Like, a lot of money!" As much as I'm not particularly keen on the suggestion, I can't think of anything better, so I decide to give it a chance. I think about my friend's idea, mulling over what kind of person we'd pay and how much we'd have to pay.

"Y'know what? I think that could work," I say, getting up to go back inside the school to scout out the best boy for the job. "C'mon, let's go see if we can find the perfect boy for Jade!" Andre follows me back into the school, and we begin our search. As we wander through the school, I notice Cat running through the halls, screaming and slapping herself in the face. She's been doing it since yesterday, but I haven't had the chance to ask her why since she keeps running and screaming.

"Hey Tori, I think I found someone!" Andre taps me on the shoulder and introduces me to a tall boy with blonde hair. He says his name is Gilbert, and he's a year below us. Andre and I give him a rundown of what we want him to do, and he agrees. Suddenly, the bell rings, signifying the start of last period. Gilbert, Andre and I decide to execute our plan first thing tomorrow morning.

Jade's POV

Today's the day. Today's the day I publicly declare my love for Tori Vega.

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