A Change of Heart?

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AN: Heya! Just letting you all know that this story is also available on AO3 now! :) 

Jade's POV

The Asphalt cafe is busier than usual today. I sit next to Cat and Andre, waiting for my boyfriend to show up. I don't usually pay much attention to Andre, but he seems more disgruntled than normal. He's usually plunking away at the portable keyboard he always carries with him, but he hasn't hit a single key yet today.

"What's wrong Andre?" Cat asks, poking him repeatedly with a plastic fork "you're not playing your keyboard like you usually do."

"I'm extremely wazzed off," He says "Y'know my special songwriting class?"

"The one with Mr. Anthony?"

"Yeah, him. He gave me a D on my last assignment! I don't get Ds, I get As!"

"Aw, that really sucks!" Cat replies, patting him on the shoulder "doesn't it, Jade?" I give a slight sigh.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, dude," I add, quickly. If it were anybody else, I would've spit in their face and laughed about it, but I do respect Andre somewhat. He hasn't really given me a reason to pick on him, plus he's a genuinely great musician. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

Suddenly, my boyfriend appears, with Vega following closely behind him. I furrow my brows in frustration at the sight of that freaking brunette.

"Hey guys!" she says, taking a seat to my right. Beck takes the spot next to Cat and Andre at the other side of the table.

Oh for god's sake! Why does she have to sit next to me?!

"Hiiiiiiiii!" Cat exclaims, throwing the plastic fork behind her. I simply roll my eyes and sigh.

"Why the long face, Andre?" Tori asks, a look of concern replacing her usual stupid grin. Andre proceeds to repeat his story about his unfortunate grade. The rest of the table listens intently, feeling sorry for their friend.

"Who the hell goes from an A to a D?" Andre finishes his story.

"Happened to me in 8th grade," I mutter, sarcastically. I notice Tori trying to secretly glance down at my chest as I say it, a look of curiosity flashing across her face. As soon as she sees me watching her, she quickly turns away, pretending to look at something else. I frown slightly, wondering what would compel her to do that. Before I realize what I'm doing, I find myself returning the gesture.

Hm, I guess they're kinda cute...

... Again with the "cute"?! And I'm saying that about her boobs, no less! God, what am I doing?!

I look away for a second, trying to process the disgusting thoughts crossing my mind. I slept decently enough last night, so I can't blame my tiredness again. What the hell is going on?!

"Hey Jade!" Cat takes my attention away from Vega "Do you want a gumdrop?" The little redhead holds out a handful of assorted candies and sweets. I can only assume she took them out of her bra, as that's where she tends to keep most of her snacks.

"No thank you," I say, flatly.

"Okay then, suit yourself," she distributes the candy to the rest of the group. I turn my attention back to my thoughts about Vega.

Okay, so maybe she is pretty, and maybe she's resilient, but that doesn't mean I like her or her stupid attempts at trying to befriend me...

... Actually, I think the fact that she keeps trying to be my friend is pathetic. Why won't she just give up already? How many ways do I have to show her that I'm not interested in being friends with her?

I repeat these thoughts over and over again, trying to make sense of it all. Much to my surprise, the more I work through it, the more I realize I'm starting to sound like a bit of a jerk.

Ugh. Since when did I start caring about how I treat that prissy girl?

As I ruminate, my thoughts go to our little secret santa activity, and I suddenly remember that I still don't have a gift for her. It's been 5 days since Sikowitz gave us our assignments, which means I have 2 days to come up with something that won't make her cry.

I can't believe I have to be nice to her. What if she thinks I'm trying to be friendly? That's the last thing I need right now. Ugh. I just can't win with this one. Maybe I could do a backhanded gift? What even constitutes a backhanded gift anyways...?

... No, this is wrong, I should be nice to her, just this once...


I take a deep breath and remember where I am, bringing myself back to the conversation happening in front of me. Cat's going on about something her brother did to get himself kicked out of an airport, while everyone else just stares at her in shock. Even Andre, who was super depressed earlier, seems to have forgotten about his situation for a moment.

I roll my eyes and say nothing, waiting for lunch to end. Between my math and film history classes, the rest of the day is a blur, and before I know it, I'm back home in my room. As I lay down on my bed, I think about what happened at lunch and try to figure out exactly why I started considering being kind to Vega.

This shouldn't be happening. I'm Jade West for god's sake, and Jade West doesn't care how other people feel, especially girls who think it's okay to stare at my boobs...

... Why did she do that anyways?! Does she like me or something?

I begin to go over the possibilities as to why that stupid girl did what she did, and I suddenly remember that I did the same to her. Luckily, neither she nor anybody else noticed me.

What the hell was I thinking? I mean, sure her boobs are kinda cute, but-


I silently scold myself, feeling stupid for thinking positively about her. I try to think about the times I've put her down for trying to befriend me, hoping the memories of being cruel to her will make me feel better. Somehow, they don't. In fact, they make me feel worse. I give a slight sigh, trying to refuse the fact that I may be developing a conscience towards her.

God dammit, what's happening to me?! 

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