The Friendliest Of Friends

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Jade's POV

The first bell of the day rings. I close my locker and make my way to my first class, which is film history. Unfortunately, Vega's not in that particular class, so I have to wait until later to see her. As the class commences, I find myself mentally rehearsing what I'm going to say to her. I'm going to take Beck's suggestion and try to be friends with her today.

The day goes by, and I haven't seen her yet. I wait at her locker at the beginning of lunch, hoping she'll turn up. As soon as she finally does, she stops dead in her tracks upon seeing me.

"Oh, hey Jade," she says, nervously "W-what's up?" Without a word, I grab her wrist and drag her to the only place I feel safe enough to have this conversation: the janitor's closet. I quickly close the door behind us and turn on the light.

"Woah! Is everything alright?" She asks, a hint of concern in her voice. I feel myself begin to shiver slightly, my nerves starting to get the best of me. I can't look her in the eye.

"Look, Vega..." I start. My throat feels dry, and I can't seem to get the words out. I internally panic as all of my planning and rehearsing slowly goes down the drain.

Dammit! I'm just trying to be friends with her! Why is this so hard for me? Even Beck said it himself, it shouldn't be that difficult!

The gears turn in my head, trying to produce something, anything , to say to the pretty girl in front of me. Tori can be patient, but I know that even she has her limits.

Just tell her you want to be friends...

... friends...

... friends...

"Jade?" She tries to talk to me, wondering why I'm not saying anything. She reaches out and gently touches my shoulder. My eyes widen as I suddenly relax and come to a most shocking revelation.

Maybe I don't wanna be friends with her...

It all makes sense now, the positive thoughts towards her, the way my heart beats faster every time she's around, the way her touch makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, the way her smile makes me blush...

Maybe I wanna be more than friends...

I take a step back, causing Tori to pull her hand away.

"I-I..." I've got nothing. Even though I now understand what's happening to me, I somehow feel infinitely worse. Telling Tori that I want to be her friend seems like a walk in the park compared to what I know I'll have to tell her now. My thoughts then turn to Beck. He's my boyfriend whom I'm supposed to love. I can't just feel these things for Tori so easily when he's my number 1! It's unfair to him.

Oh god, does this count as cheating? What if he finds out that I want Tori as more than a friend? Do I just break up with him?

Fuck, I can't just break up with him, I NEED him! He's my one and only! He's my rock! I'm nothing without him. I can't imagine a future where he's not around...

My usually calm and cool demeanour slowly fades away, and my breathing becomes more shallow as I begin to panic, finding myself unable to keep my stone-cold mask on.

I came here to try to be her friend, not have an anxiety attack god dammit! GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF, JADE!

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Do you wanna talk about it?" Tori brings me back down to earth. I shake my head and frown slightly, silently screaming at myself for not being able to give her even a single word.

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