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☆ 101. Chapter 91
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After saying hello in Chapter 91

, Hao Cheng called Xu Jiayan and held a remote meeting with the Huaguo team.

The FBI in charge of monitoring: "..."

Then Hao Cheng explained the situation of the banquet. He negotiated a lot of orders yesterday and needed employees to coordinate with them in the future.

Xu Jiayan: "..."

You really love your work.

The employees who were on the video call together looked confused.

Lu Yue tried her best to suppress her laughter on the video call.

Hao Cheng's banquet was held every other day, and another party was held every other day, and it lasted for half a month.

Not only has the business been negotiated, and the business status in country M has been improved, but he has also donated money to many congressmen preparing for the next election, and stopped by environmental organizations and human rights organizations to donate.

Mr. Dalton: What? We will apply for an indefinite visa for you for free so that you can open up the market of country m, right?

At the first court hearing, Hao Cheng attended with a team of lawyers, and the situation was quite unfavorable for him.

Mr. Dowton, Mr. Thomas is very pleased.

Hao Cheng: "Oh."

Just half an hour after the trial ended, Lu Yue appeared on the audience media and announced on behalf of Feiyue Technology the launch of super photovoltaic panels, which can be installed on the roof of the car and can be deployed. The current conversion efficiency of the photovoltaic panels is 25.19 %, and the conversion efficiency of the super light energy panel is 47.6%. Calculated, it can basically meet the needs of ordinary people for a day's travel.

In this way, new energy electric vehicles no longer need to rely on charging piles, and car owners will no longer have charging anxiety.

It is another technology that makes the world boil, but it is suitable for all models and can be installed by professionals at the garage after ordering.

Chinese people: cheer and celebrate.

People from other countries: congratulations, mixed emotions.

Mr. Dalton: "..."

His fiancé was arrested. As his fiancée, shouldn't Lu Yue be nervous, worried, unable to eat or sleep?

Does she love this fiancé?

How come Hao Cheng's arrest had no impact on her at all?

Mr. Dalton asked someone to call Lu Yue. Lu Yue said hello and hung up after hearing who the caller was.

Call again, hang up again.

Keep fighting, keep hanging.

Hit him hard, oh, he's blacklisted.

Mr. Dalton: "..."

On the other side, Hao Cheng announced the donation of a batch of new energy vehicle batteries and super photovoltaic panels to environmental organizations.

Environmental Organization: Good man, thank you for your contribution to the earth.

Hao Cheng smiled brightly, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

At this time, Anna walked in, "Mr. Hao is really a good person who loves environmental protection."

"Of course."

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