the second coming of Izuku Midoriya

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The other Midoriya awoke with a groan. His back was most certainly bruised and potentially broken. The boy took in his surroundings and was able to hear a conversation happening in front of him.

"We have to keep him alive." Gwen argued. Ben was now transformed into four arms, and Midoriya sat in a chair holding his head. The act of reforming his skull had the unintended consequence of giving him a migrane that felt like all might punched him.

"No, we don't!" Ben yelled. "He almost killed Midoriya and tried killing all of us. He's a liability." Ben continued. Midoriya held his hand down and tried to tune all the screaming out.

"No one is disagreeing with you, but he's from another timeline!" Kevin said from a seat on the other side of the ship." Who knows what killing him could do to that timeline." Midoriya stood up and turned to everyone.

"He has to stay." Midoriya said as he walked over to his other and saw him awake. Midoriya was still on edge since his pseudo death and weird memory experience. This showed as the omnitrix was very much active.

"If he tries anything, I'll fry him." Midoriya thought as he motioned to Gwen to undo his Mana bindings. The other Midoriya stood up and assessed his situation.

He was outnumbered and at a severe disadvantage when it came to his own will to fight. Everyone currently in that room had seen Midoriya kill the guy who looked exactly like him.

"Who are you people?" Midoriya asked as he noticed that he was changed out of his costume. He was now in clothes that were too small for his body.

"Well, I'm you." Midoriya(1) said. He realized something about his twin. He was just him but seemingly more on edge.

"You can't be." Midoriya(2) said. Everyone was on edge expecting the other Midoriya to say, "There can only be one."

"Why not?" Midoriya(1) asked worriedly.

"For one, you have basically no muscle. I can tell because your clothes are too small for me. You're surrounded by a bunch of random people I've personally never met." Midoriya(2) said. What followed was a good 20 minute deconstruct of Izuku Midoriya and everything apparently wrong with him.

"I have a very straightforward answer for everything you just said." Midoriya started as everyone realized the situation was no longer hostile. "The multiverse." The other Midoriya was hit with everything those words brought, but the only thing that really stuck was very important to him.

"My family, my friends." Midoriya started as he crashed into a console as his brained wrapped around the implications of him being here.

"They're all gonna die. I can't help them. They're gonna die." Those were the other Midoriya's last words before he fainted.
Hey guys, I'm back. Sorry for not posting for so long. I was logged out of my account and forgot the password to get back in. Anyways, the story is back on track and will be updated semi regularly.

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