back for the exam

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There was a very awkward silence on the plane. Midoriya wanted to sit next to Melissa, but Bakugo convinced him not to.

"Didn't you say you would talk to him on the plane ride back?" Those words rang in Midoriya's head. Him and all might sat next to each other. Midoriya tapped on his knee. Ben, who had decided after a bunch of begging to ride inside of the plane, was sitting next to Melissa, who looked very worried. Ben's eyes lit up with an idea.

"Relax." He said, causing Melissa to look up.

"Your boyfriend is fine. He's just nervous about the test." Melissa seemed to calm down before immediately getting defensive.

"He's not. I mean, it would be nice, but he isn't." Melissa said in a sort of whisper so as not to alert Midoriya

"Look, I would love to be in the middle of this, but I don't, so talk outside of the plane." Bakugo said, sitting back.

Midoriya looked up at all might before speaking. However, he was cut off.

"Midoriya, I'm sorry." All might said. Even in his deflated form, he was taller than Midoriya.

"What?" Midoriya said. He was kinda hoping for an apology, but he didn't really expect one.

"Back on the roof, I told you you had not shown any kind of heroic qualities. But after learning everything that happened with you after you discovered the omnitrix, I have to say I was wrong." All might said. Midoriya's eyes began to water.

"All these months, I wanted you to apologize, but I realized along the way you were right." Midoriya said, causing all might confusion.

"What do you mean?" All might asked.

"When that robot attacked me, I was scared. I wasted too much time and almost got everyone there killed. At the same time, I was the one to step up even when the pro heroes didn't. I wasn't a hero, but I was the one to step up." Midoriya said. He held back the tears through his entire speech and knew if all might had said something, he would have cried. All might. Noticing and not wanting to embarrass Midoriya said nothing, but the two seemed to fully understand each other.

As the plane touched the ground and everyone walked out, three people waited. One was the same girl from in the underground base. Inko and,
Bakugo's mom stood waiting as well .

"Ben, I have a question." Midoriya said.

"What?" Ben responded.

"It slipped my mind on the island, but why did you attack us on the beach?" Ben looked incredibly defensive at the question.

"Ben. What is he talking about?" The orange haired woman asked. Ben began stepping back into the plane, but before he could, Ben was grabbed by a giant energy arm.

"So remember how you guys told me to test him?" The orange haired girl looked incredibly angry.

"So you almost died because of some stupid test." Midoriya didn't know how to feel about the fact he almost killed his teacher because of some stupid test.

"Hey, my name is Gwen." The orange haired woman said, shaking Midoriya's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Midoriya." Midoriya was confused about how Gwen knew his name.

"Ben called me to try and find you for three months because you just walked into a forest." Gwen said. Midoriya was very happy hearing Ben actually cared about him.

"I was just trying to make sure the world's next hope didn't die before he could start helping anyone." Ben said. Midoriya looked at his phone.

"We have three days before the test. And a bunch of stuff has happened." Gwen said. Midoriya looked confused again.

"Ben also mentioned the test in his weekly calls." Gwen said. Midoriya did an understanding oh.

"Zombozo tried three separate times to rob a blood bank, Vilgax still hasn't been found, and we have found Khyber the hunter on his home planet." Ben looked shocked by the last thing.

"Is he doing anything?"

"Nope, just resting with his family. He apparently has a daughter." Bakugo cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.

"Can yall have this conversation while we're showing Melissa around." Bakugo said. All might looked around for Melissa, who hadn't actually got off the plane yet. All might looked down at Midoriya and motioned towards him.

"Midoriya. I think you should go talk to her." All might said. Midoriya slipped away from Ben and Gwen talking about something about a null void and Waybad. Whatever that meant.

"You ok?" Midoriya asked, startling Melissa.

"Yeah. I'm just a little worried."

"About what?"

"What if I'm not good enough for UA? I could mess up and accidentally kill someone. Everything could go wrong on day one, and I could kill a hero." Melissa sounded genuinely concerned. Midoriya walked over and grabbed her bag from her.

"I thought the exact same thing when I applied for the hero course. I thought I wouldn't be good enough. Then I took the leap, and it got me somewhere nice, and I am so grateful for that. It's a leap you have to be willing to take, or you'll never know where you will end up other than at the bottom." Melissa wiped her face as Midoriya walked off.

A few hours later, everyone was at Midoriya's house. Inko had been informed of everything that happened and was incredibly worried about if Midoriya was OK mentally after 10 months of isolation.

"I swear I'm ok, mom." Midoriya said as he removed Inko's hands from his face.

"Are you sure. Nothing broken? Do you know who everyone in the room is?" Inko asked, getting a light chuckle from Bakugo.

"Yes, mom, I know who everyone is. Would it help if I named them all?" Midoriya said, getting a chuckle out of Ben.

"Mrs Midoriya, you called us here because you had something important to tell Izuku." Melissa chimed in.

"Oh yes." Inko's demeanor took a turn as she stood across from everyone on the coach.

"I don't want Izuku going to U.A." It seemed as if the world froze. Everyone looked at Midoriya, who was in shock from what he had just heard.


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