the fixer

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Bakugo was still pinned under the monster that had just attempted to cave his chest in. Midoriya couldn't move from pure fear of being cut down by one of its many arms.

"Shit shit shit. What can I do?" Midoriya thought. He looked down at the weezing Bakugo, who had his hand on the creature. This gave Midoriya, who was  still panicking an idea.

"Bakugo better understand this, or we are both so dead." Midoriya slammed his fist into the chimera. Bakugo did the same, but this time at where the things balls should be and then shooting an explosion off stunning the creature. Bakugo moved from under the chimera and grabbed Midoriya before running off.

"What the hell is that thing?" Bakugo asked as he ducked down and looked up at the flying beast.

"I think it's the failsafe of the omnitrix trying to tell us to get out." Midoriya said as he stood up.

"But I have an idea." Midoriya said, helping Bakugo up.

"What happens if it doesn't work?" Bakugo asked.

"I might die." Midoriya said, causing Bakugo to immediately disagree.

"No, no way." Bakugo said. Midoriya simply looked at him.

"If I don't try it, we both may die." Midoriya said. Bakugo calmed down enough to listen.

"OK, but if you die, I will revive you just to kill you again." He said. "So what do we have to do?" Bakugo asked. Midoriya looked at him with a mischievous grin on his face.

Back on the beach, all might was walking by in his deflated form. He was thinking about what he had told Midoriya a while back.

"That was too mean. If I see that boy again, I should apologize." All might thought as he saw a beast. It was simply standing on the beach unmovingly.

"Is that a villain? What are they doing?" All might thought. He saw the Villain wasn't looking at him and immediately bulked up. He saw what he assumed to be a villain looking down at a watch.

"That must be what the villain is after. It looks like an ordinary watch. I should still stop them." All might thought charging in. He grabbed the omnitrix, and before he could react, All might was sucked into the omnitrix on the chimera's chest and began falling.

On the ground below, Midoriya and Bakugo raced to the pillar of light. The creature flew overhead before slamming down onto Bakugo again.

"I swear this thing has something against me. Well, do the thing, Midoriya." Bakugo said as Midoriya slammed his fist into the back of the monster. Nothing happened.

"Heatblast!!" Midoriya yelled. Again, nothing happened.

A few minutes earlier, Midoriya explained the plan to Bakugo.

"I'm thinking when I touch the thing and scream out the name of one of my aliens, I should be able to transform." Midoriya said.

"Yeah, this is definitely gonna get us murdered. But fine, I'll trust you. But we need to lure that thing out." Bakugo said.

"I mean, it obviously doesn't like you for some reason. Maybe you should let it attack you." Midoriya said. Bakugo obviously didn't like being used as a punching bag but agreed.

"I can't see anything. Did it work?" Bakugo asked. All he heard was the noise of a thud and then crack. Midoriya had just been launched into a wall unconscious.

"Shit!" Bakugo yelled as he once again aimed up and blasted the creature, causing it to get off of him.

"Come on, Midoriya, wake up!!" Bakugo said. The creature slowly walked over to him before raising its fist in the air.

"NEVER FEAR FOR I AM HERE!!" All might yelled as a giant blast of wind shot through the air sending thr beast flying.

"Wait. I know who that voice is." Bakugo said. Midoriya, who was slipping in and out of consciousness, also recognized the voice.

All might who had now made it all the way to the boys held the omnitrix out.

"I hope this belongs to one of you." All might said, causing the boys to both chuckle.


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