the bot that tests your might part 2

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Midoriya begins to run and slamming the face plate over and over again. Eventually, the Omnitrix begins to work again and good ways into the forest.

"That fire monster didn't work fast  enough. From what I've seen, I can only hold one form for 10 minutes. I need something that can end this in 5. Let's see." After a few minutes of flipping through the catalog, Midoriya lands on something strong looking. He slams down on the dial and begins to transform. His hand turned to electrical plugs, and his eyes fused into one. His ears turned into charger plugs.(feedback)

"This should do it

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"This should do it." Midoriya says. He runs toward the robot and jumps over it, and begins drawing it away from everyone.

"Yeah, follow me, big guy." Midoriya said as the robot began blasting beams at the ground, but it kept missing.

"They should have called some of the stronger heroes. Like..." Midoriya runs through the forest to see a man with  red spiky hair. He wore a blue suit and had flames flying off of his body. His beard is also made of flames.

"Endeavor!" Midoriya screamed in his mind as he stopped running. He put his hand up but stopped to think.

"Wait, if I can transform when human shouldn't, I be able to do so when already transformed." Midoriya thought.

"I could use this as training." Midoriya says out loud. He looked down to the symbol on his chest and slammed his hand against it.

"This looks helpful." Midoriya thought as he looked down at his now giant hands. His palms were giant, and his palms were green. He looked very shiny and only had one eye from what he could tell.

 He looked very shiny and only had one eye from what he could tell

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"Prepare to be destroyed." Midoriya said. Well, he wanted to, but before he could, he was crushed.

"Kid!!" Endeavor yelled before unleashing a volley of fire balls. Midoriya, however, wasn't dead yet as he began to stretch around the robot and seep into the cracks that were made by the attempt to tear it apart with the fire monster.

"This better work." Midoriya says as he begins pushing the robot apart. This time, the only difference is that he does it successfully this time. As the robot rips apart, it tries to force itself back together, unsuccessful.

"That was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be." Midoriya thought as he reformed and de transformed.

Far away from the fight, Ben Tennyson stands on a cliff and watches the entire fight.

"OK, so no more Azmuth murder. But now I have to explain to this kid what just happened. Well, at least he'll have fewer problems than I did with my first omnitrix. I mean, how come this kid doesn't get a prototype. This doesn't sound at all fair." Ben says as transforms once again into the same flying monster and flies down to Midoriya and lands in front of him

"What the hell are you?!" Midoriya says as he tries to transform again.

"Oh no. I can't transform." Midoriya thought as he backed up into Endeavor, who was holding his hand up, ready to seemingly blast Ben.

"Relax, I'm just here to talk." Ben says as he holds his hands up. Endeavor scowls at him as he talks.

"Why should we believe you?" Endeavor asks. Ben simply sighs.

"Because if I wanted you dead, you would be." Ben said half jokingly. He knew if push came to shove, he would very much be able to kill Endeavor.

"Was that a threat?" Endeavor said, lighting his hand up with fire.

"OK, if you really want a reason." Ben de transformed right before Endeavor and Midoriya's eyes.

"It's because I know how to help him." Ben says as he holds his wrist out, showing his omnitrix to the two people in front of him.

" Ben says as he holds his wrist out, showing his omnitrix to the two people in front of him

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