A light in the dark!

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I wake up to a knock on the door Klaus walks in and places a dress on the chair for me, he kisses me on the forehead and wipes the tears from my eyes. I sit up in bed and reach my arms out for Klaus. Klaus crouches down to my eye level and hugs me.

KlausIt will be ok Thena! We will all be with you every step of the way. It starts at sunset gets some rest till then."

Klaus let's go of me and just looks at me for a moment before leaving the room. I sit on the edge of the bed and look at the dress it's a white and marron dress with black and silver amra to go over the top. It's a traditional elemental funeral dress.

Ben starts to walk up as I'm just sat there

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Ben starts to walk up as I'm just sat there. He sits up and wrap's his arms around me. We stay like that in silence. Just having Ben here is all ready making me feel a little it better. I get up out of bed and break away from the hug, I walk behind the screen and get dressed into the blue dress I was given when I first got here. I kiss Ben on the cheek and walk out of the room. I walk out of the castle to see Klaus starting training for the day. I make my way over to them.

"Klaus let me do this today I need to do something to distract me and I am an elemental so I could help the kids in ways that you don't understand."

Klaus looks at me with sadness in his eyes before he heads back to the castle. I set up 5 scarecrow in a row and place a box of weapons in front of the kids.

"You are all a team. You work together and protect each other. My number 1 rule is you DON'T kill. Killing is the last option killing is plan Z. That means you have to find away to stop the bad people and keep them alive. These are your 5 targets you have to stop then as a team and you can not use your powers you have 3 chances to stop all 5 and you have to use the things in the box to stop them. You have 5 minutes to come up with a plan. GO!"

All of the kids rush over to the box they start pulling out different weapons like a crossbow a gun and a knife they lay all of the weapons out. They start eliminating different weapons till they are left with 3; a rope, a stun gun and a bow and arrow.  Three of the children work together to tie the rope into a lasso the other 2 children set up their weapons. The tallest child uses the lasso she throws it and manages to catch 3 of the targets she then tightens the rope. The next child uses the stun gun on of of the targets. The last target gets hit on the should with an arrow. I walk over and inspect their work. The arrow hit the wrong place instead of stunning the targets she would have killed it.

"Good work team you stopped all 5 targets. However one was killed the arrow hit the target in the neck not the shoulder with a bit if practice that can be fixed."

All of the kids look disappointed with Bell like they failed because of her.

"You all did far better then me. The first time I used targets like this I hit all of the targes where there heart would have been with an arrow. Good job! The sun will be setting in a few hours go get something to eat and get ready. I'll see you all later. If you have any question just ask."

The kids all run off seaming happy to hear how well they did. I tidy up everything in the training area and head back to the castle to get ready. I place my dress on and then the amra. I just have to remember not to cry in front of my people. Ben comes into the room he grabs my arm and teleports me to the lake. Neffy's body has been placed into a small wooded boat flowers have been placed all around her. All of Parra-Val gather around and start walking towards the boat, the closer you where to the dead the closer you stand to them at the end. The people start to stop walking me, Ge-Ge, Thomas, Ben, Henry, Klaus and a man that I'm not sure if I know or not keeps walking. Thomas and Henry stop walking first then Ge-Ge and the man, finally Klaus and Ben stops. I'm the one that has to push Neffy boat out onto the lake. I place my hands on the rim on the boat and slowly push it as I walk out into the water. Neffy starts floating away from all of us. I use my powers to set the boat on fire before I bow down in the water. Everyone starts bowing to show there respect to Neffy. As the boat turns to ash the people make their way back to their homes. Even Ben, Henry and Thomas go home. I stay in the water not wanting to move.  A voice appears in my head.... it's Neffy's voice.

Neffy's voice- "When you where a child something happened. He dropped a knife and it landed in your arm, we sent him to earth and removed your memories of him. This is my last gift to you go talk to that man before it's to late!"

I turn my head around to see who Neffy is talking about. It must be that man he is the only person I don't know that is here. I rush over to him as he is leaving. The man's face is a little bit blurry but I swore I know him I just can't put my finger on it.

"I know you don't I?"

Man- "No. No I don't think you do!"

The more I look at him the clearer his face gets. The more I seem to remember him.

"Your Al-door?"

Al-door- "Yeah I am!"

"Your 12 minutes younger!"

Al-door- "Yeah I am!

I say with a tear in my eye-"Best 12 minutes of my life!"

We start laughing. I hug Al-door with tear in my eyes. I can't believe Neffy took more of my memories. I especially can't believe they took my memories of Al-door.

"Your my twin brother. My best friend from birth. I can't believe they made me forget you!"

Al-door- "It's ok because you remember now!"

"Ge-Ge! This is Al-door he's our brother. Oh Al-door you have to come back to my house, you have to meet Ben, Henry and Thomas."

Al-door- "Ok let's get on the jet cuz I'm not missing out another second of your life!"

Ge-Ge- "I'll come to!"

I take off the amra so I'm just left in a white and marron dress. We head over to the jet and take our seats.

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