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We bring Neffy into the castle as fast as we can. We lay her down in her bed and make her as comfortable as possible.

"Neffy what's wrong?"

Neffy- "Its starting. My baby girls come here please."

Neffy reaches out her arms to us, me and Ge-Ge take her hands in ours. Ge-Ge sits on Neffy's bed holding her hand and I still on the floor.

Neffy- "So out of all my things who wants what?"

Ge-Ge-"Don't talk like that!"

Neffy- "I want to know what of mine will be yours, it will help bring me pace."

We all have tears forming in our eyes.

"Ok then...... I would like your silver neckless that say mum on it, so it's like your allways with me. Ge-Ge you can have what ever you want I won't fight you on it."

Stutterring trying to find the right words, Ge-Ge- " I would like..... umm I would like your music box I allways thought the tune it plays is beautiful."

In a calm tone, Neffy- "Well all right then if that is what you want then it's your. Thena that speach you made..... you did the right thing I am very proud of you!"

"Thank you... mother!"

Neffy starts welling up with tears of joy, Neffy- "You just called me mother!"

Ge-Ge- "Took you long enough to say that."

The three of us start laughing. As out laughing comes to an end I hear a sort of light thuding 'BOOM.' 'BOOM.' It's Neffy heart beat, I can hear it getting weaker and weaker and weaker as she laying in her bed with a smile on her face. At this point everyone has tears running down our faces. I start concentrating on her hear beat. I twist my head and look at Neffy then I realised I could no long hear her heart. Klaus walks over to Neffy he kisses her on the forehead and closes her eyes. Thomas falls to the floor in tears Ge-Ge goes and conforts him. My grip on Neffy's hand tightens I don't want to let her go. Ben gently removed my had from Neffy's, he grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. I try my best to hold my tears in, I'm the Queen now I can't cry in front of people.

A blue Crystal appears in front of all of us it's Neffy's powers some time I forget that she is an elemental. Ben nuggese me to tuch it but something feels different like it's not just ment for me. I grab Ge-Ge's hand then I grab Ben's hand. They look so confused when I do this. With their hands in mine I reach out for the crystal. As we all tuch it blue rings start wrapping around our arms. A big flash of light surrounds us, all three of us absorb the light.

Ge-Ge- "What just happend?"

"Neffy gave all three of us her powers your and elemental now G, she gave you her powers and me her magic and Ben she gave you her enhance intelligences."

Ge-Ge- "I'm like you now Ren! This is amazing image how many people I can help now."

"That's why she wanted you to have her powers."

In a mellow tone- "Klaus please make arangments for Neffy's funeral, it will take place tomorrow. Ge-Ge please go and inform the people about Neffy. Everyone else take some time alone to do what you need to do."

I head to my room followed by Ben. The second Ben closes the door behind him I drop to the floor in tears screaming and letting out all of my pain! Ben squeezes me in a tight comforting way. I keep crying for what feels like hours no matter what I do the tears will not stop. Through out the whole time Ben does not leave my side. We clime into bed my eyes are all red and puffy and I don't think it's a good idea for all of the parra-valians to see me like this. I place my head on Ben's chest and cry my self to sleep. I had no idea that Neffy's death would effect me this badly I know I was going to be in pain but I had no idea that it would feel like I lost a small part of my self.

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