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I open my eyes! I twist my head around the room. The whole room is bright white, the walls more like lights then walls. I stand up off of the ground as I notice that I'm wearing a white dress with pink and purple details, my wings are out and my hair is pink and my heart is fine no blood no cut nothing.

 I stand up off of the ground as I notice that I'm wearing a white dress with pink and purple details, my wings are out and my hair is pink and my heart is fine no blood no cut nothing

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Is this haven? I'm pretty sure to many people are dead because of me for me to be able to get into haven!"

I stand alone in the room before I hear a gentle voice.

Voice- "This isn't haven, this is the land of the gods. Well land of THE goddess.

"Who are you?"

A lady wearing a white sleeveless floor length dress approaches me with a welcoming exspresion on her face.

Athena- "I am Athena. You may know me, your mother named you after me."

"Hello. It's nice to meet you. Can i ask you somthing?"

Athena nodes.

"Why does... did klaus look at me like I am a question?"

Athena- "I dont know I'm truly am sorry but I am here to tell you that I will all ways watch over you and keep you safe."

"All ways watch over me. Wait so am I dead or not?"

Athena smiles- "You are dead. However I can bring you back if you want, but you will have to give into your powers the more you give in to them the more powerful you will be. If I bring you back you have to become the queen as it is apart of you Destiny.

"What about Ben? will he be ok if I say here?"

Athena- "To be completely honset with you I don't think so. He will keep saying that he is fine but I don't think he will ever be the same with out you."

"Please bring me back I can't leave Ben like this."

Athena- "Ok! Good luck Thena!"

Athena creates a ball of pink light. The light floats in the air approaching me and tenderly touches my forehead.

"Goodbyes Athena!"

I open my eyes and I'm back in the warehouse. Ben has his head laying on my chest as he is balling his eyes out. Henry is stood up looking at Ben with tears streaming down his face. Klaus is crouched down on the floor crying. Thomas is crying and holding Klaus.

"WOW! I never know you all cared about me this much!"

Ben lifts up his head faster then I have ever seen before. He looks me in the eyes for a moment to make sure I really am alive. He scupes me up in his arms and gives me the biggest hug of my life before kissing me.

Ben- "I Love you! Never do that to me again!"

"I love you to!"

In and angry tone, Henry- "Your a bitch a stupid one!"

The hole in my heart has heald ans the knife used to stab me has melted away. Ben helps me to my feet gently pulling me to my feet as i grown in pain. Klaus rushes over to me, he wrapped his arms around me.

Klaus- "Don't you ever do somthing like this ever again. I refuse to loos my daughter again!"

Klaus let's go of me and Thomas rushes over to me pulling me into a bear hug I hug him back and we stay like that for a moment. Thomas has been the closes thing I have ever had to a dad so I understand why he is hugging me so tight that I can't breath. He finely let's go of me, I walk over the Ben and grab the braslet Ben made for Helena. Ben helps me walk over to a still umconchuse Helena I check her pulse she's fine, I place the braslet on her arm. There is splatters of thick red blood all over her face.

"Did I do that?"

Ben smiles at me- "No it's my blood I spat it on her! You are a terrible influences on me!"

I smile at Ben and kiss him on the cheek. We all leave the warehouse I use Ben for a balence as i stumble out in pain. We go straight to the bunker. I call Sam.

"Sam it's me!"

Sam- "Are you ok? You sound like death!"

"Yeah well I was just dead for a few minutes, that's not why I'm calling. Helena she has the braslet on and she knocked out in a warehouse I'll text you the address!"

Sam- "Ok thanks!..... What do you mean you where dead!?"

I hung up the phone. I sit in pain with help from Henry and Ben. I think about what Athena said to me.

"Ben remember a few years ago when you told me and Henry that you are not sure if Athena is real or not?"

Ben- "Yeah I remember why do you ask?"

"She's real! Athena gave me a chose I could say dead or I could come back. I came back.... I came back for you. Klaus could you please plan a advent at Parra-Val."

Klaus looks at me confused, Klaus-"Yeah I can what type of advent do you want?"

" My Coronation. Athena told me that being the queen is apart of my Destiny."

Klaus- "Really? I'm going home now to plan. Your mother is going to be over the moon when she hears! Come to Parra-Val tomorrow it will be all sorted by then promise!"

Klaus kisses me on the forehead before runing out of the bunker and onto the Jet.

Ben- "Your going to be the queen!"

"Your going to be my adviser right?"

Ben hugs me with a huge smile on his face.

"OUCHHH! I was dead 5 minutes ago could you All please stop with the hugs they hurt!"

Ben- "Oh right yeah sorry! I would be honoured!"

lightning! Destiny Beginsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن