76|| Stupid in Love

Start from the beginning

Felix looked at me, huffing out few breathes to get his heart rate back to normal. "Child births always scare me." he chuckled and I looked at him, eye brows forrowed.

"I have two sisters, the elder one is 7 years older than me, and I've 10 years of age gap with the younger one. I was there with my mom when my younger sister was born. Also with my noona when she gave birth to my niece." I widened my eyes, "Oh?" I exclaim and he nodded.

"Your mom is definately scared for your safety right?" I question as we walk towards the waiting hall. We take our seats, leaving an empty chair in between us.

"Always, even my sisters. But- but this is what I choose. This is what my dad chose too.  Sometimes there's no guarantee that I would return back to home, but that strong will to return, return to my parents, my sisters, always makes me fight hard so that i won't have to see them in tears for me. I'm definitely sure that all the Bangtan will be fighting with same passion." he smiles, making me shot a smile too.

I'm definitely worried. Worried for each one of them, becuz everyone has their own reasons to return back.

I scrunch my nose at the smell of antiseptic. "Ew! Gosh." I walk out, taking few breaths to press down the feeling of throwing up.

"Lily," Felix reached out, "You fine?" he asked and i nodded. "Jae called me." he informed and I looked at him.

"What did she tell?"

"They still couldn't reach them, but they found their last location." he looked worried.

"Don't tell me," my eyes widened at the thought.

"Yes, they were last in a lobby kind of thing handled by Hyungseok. They handle the shipping of drugs and also bribing and illegal activities like admissions and selling of girls." he looks down, avoiding my gaze.


"They were certainly not looking for Hyungseok. Hell he's not even in the country right now." i forrowed my eyebrows at the thought.

"Then? What are they looking for?" I asked.

"No idea, Mr. Jeon didn't inform me. All I know is, Yeonjun called him and everyone got down for a mission." I nod. Thinking.

Okay, so now that Hyungseok is not in the country, what are they looking for.

"Felix, do you have an access to Hyungseok's past activities?" he nods, confused.

"Where's it?"

"In my tablet, that's in the car."

"Go, get it." I order and he nodded, running.

I rub my stomach, trying to sooth down my pain. I look back, and saw the pharmacy run by the hospital. I walk to the pharmacy and wait for my turn while scrolling through my phone while standing in the line.

"I love you, remember that." I could hear that text in Jungkook's voice and it made me tear up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and take a step once the old man finished buying his stuff.

"What can I get you, miss?" the kind nurse asked looking up. "Uhm, I've been feeling pain in my stomach for some weeks now. Lil bit of dizziness too." she nods and types into the computer.

"Do you have a prescription?" I shook my head. "That's fine though, we can give you meds because the symptoms are not so serious. Still I would suggest to get an appointment soon so that it wouldn't cause an issue in future."

Standing up, she walked into the store and came back soon. "How many days have you been feeling these?"

"Past 3 weeks." I said, unsure. She nods and walks into the store. I look at my right to see a young couple speaking to the other person on the counter, maybe consulting something.

"Here, take this tablet for 5 days, before every meal." the young nurse hands out the table while writing the prescription. "And have this right now." I took the weird looking bottle and nodded. I payed the bill and walked out of the line.

"Lily?" Felix came back with his tab and he looked at my hands.

"Nothing, just an upset stomach. It's fine, show me what you have." he nods and we sit. He hands me the device and i scroll through the information.

It's like, it has Hyungseok's whole biography. From his eye color to the recent chicks he's with. Everything.

I scroll through, I'm in few of the pics too. I chuckled, I was so stupid in love back then. I read through the recent activities he's doing. He did something similar few years ago while we were together, and i thought he was being grateful and this vacation is for our anniversary.

Oh boy, I was totally wrong. Hyungseok planned to treat me with the best views available all over the world. We went for a month long trip to one of the most secluded islands on this planet. Reading about it now, I connected the dots that, that island was owned by his equally evil ally. I was surely stupid in love.

"Honestly Lily, King is acting up weird right now. The place where he's now, it's so dangerous, and we all know Hyungseok's not there. I just don't understand–"

"He's not there for Hyungseok." I conclude, cutting off Felix in midst of his sentence.

"Yeah, he's not even in the country." I shook my head. I tried digging through memories, back to the day we were on that island.

"That's what and Jungkook is well aware about that too. Jungkook's not searching for Hyungseok." I repeat, standing up.

"Then who?" Felix asks and i scroll on the tab.

"His Right hand, Zane."



Ta-daaaaa it's me.

Hehe, today's day -1 of my holidays and mama nature decided to bless me with unbearable cramps and back pain :)

Atleast I didn't get my periods during exams 😂

Anyways, hows the story going for you? Are you guys liking it?

We've crossed 17.8k reads and I just wanna say, I Love you guys <3

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~Inha Choi.

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