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Rumcofa was impressive. Saxons and Danes living together in pretty relative peace was a sight to behold. I discovered upon arrival that Uhtred was the lord here. I did not know I had came across someone so influential in the wilderness.

As he said I was set up with a bed in his home, which was spacious and nicer than anything I had experienced thus far. It gave me time to heal, and heal I did. I practiced swinging a new weapon, and conditioned my body to fight better and faster than ever before.

I honestly didn't see much of Finan and Sihtric at this time. I saw little even of Uhtred unless he was home, and he rarely was.

Eventually, he came to me and said he needed my help, that I should join them again in the wilderness. I could not refuse him of course so I agreed.

I gathered my equipment; my new sword, my bedroll and saddle bag. I put on my unused leather armor and fastened it. I pulled my red hair back into a braid and tied it off with a piece of leather. Then I met Uhtred downstairs in the main hall, and we headed off.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I followed him to the stables.

"It is a simple errand, nothing more. I must go to Winchester to see the King, and I need men to accompany me, as always," he stopped walking and looked at me seriously, "You are just as capable as my men, Red. I would like you to join us."

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my agreement. We arrived at the stables to find Sihtric and Finan preparing their horses as well, they were outfitted in armor and furs, as fastening their packs to their horses, and I did the same. I was endlessly grateful I had landed here, and Uhtred had taken such care for me.

We mounted up and headed off for Winchester. Riding on this part of the horse was much easier than riding on the ass end as I had on the journey to Rumcofa, and time began to slip away as we trotted along. I found myself smiling, it felt like I fit here.

We made camp at dusk. It was spring at last and the night time insects were back in force, so at least it was not as quiet as it had been previously, and after the fire was lit, I easily lost myself into the sounds of the cracking and popping of the fire and chirping of bugs.


"Hmm?" I looked up to see Finan offering me a piece of bread, and I accepted it. "Thank you." I took a bite and it was still fresh enough to be enjoyable.

"So, what does the King want this time?" Finan asked.

"I do not know," Uhtred replied, "he only sent word that he needs to see me. I will respect his wish. Probably he needs my sword." He popped a bite of bread into his mouth.

The implications hung in the air. "I thought it was a simple errand?"

Sihtric almost laughed, but said nothing, apparently implying simplicity was not this groups strong suit.

"It is," Uhtred smiled. "Alfred would not request me here if it were not needed."

I nodded but said nothing, instead turning my attention back to the flames, and my chunk of bread.

That night I did not sleep well. Nightmares plagued me, and I ended up awake far before my watch. In any case, I got up and went to where Sihtric leaned against a tree just outside camp.

"You can go to sleep now," I sighed, "I can sleep no longer."

He nodded, his eyes still suspicious of me in some way.

"What is your problem? Speak plainly," I confronted him.

He didn't break my gaze. "How did you escape?"

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