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"Did you see anyone you recognized?" Uhtred asked me. His tone was harsh, and it made my skin warm even though it was not me his anger was directed at.

"No, Lord," I started, "I saw no one. They never spoke with me or revealed themselves."

"No one spoke to you?"

I shook my head. "I thought that they were probably waiting for Erik."

"Erik?" His eyes burned through me and made me want to fidget under the pressure. "Are you sure of this?"

"No, Lord, not entirely, but it makes the most sense."

He nodded. Then he looked at Sihtric, putting his flaming eyes on someone else. "Could you take us there?"

"Yes, Lord," Sihtric replied curtly. He didn't seem bothered under Uhtred's gaze. In fact, he looked excitable at the fire in Uhtred's eyes.

Uhtred's jaw clenched and unclenched as he shifted his gaze back to me for a few moments. He nodded subtly, like he had come to a decision. His eyes lingered a moment longer before they shifted to Sihtric. "Gather ten men. You will take me to this farm."

"Yes, Lord," Sihtric nodded as he took his leave. I started to follow in his footsteps, desperate to get out from under the heft of Uhtred's angry glare.

"Red," he called me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him again. "You do not need to come. Rest if you wish."

"No, Lord. I do need to come."

He smiled softly and nodded his head to me respectfully. I returned the gesture before taking my leave.

Outside in the morning air, everything felt different. My head throbbed, and my ribs ached, but everything felt much more bearable than it had days ago. It had started to drizzle while we were in the keep. I breathed in deeply of the damp air. It smelled like dirt and grass and rain, and I was comforted. Both by the scents of a spring shower and the fact that I could take a deep breath again without hitching over in pain.

I lost myself in my thoughts as I walked towards the stables. Why would Uhtred take this so personally? Perhaps he really did care for me as much as his other men, or perhaps it was just seen as weak to not respond. It was possible it wasn't Erik. It could have been someone hoping to ransom or even someone hoping to make a move against Uhtred. My mind traced the options of each.

Finan was already there, sleepily saddling his horse. "You're okay, love?" He asked as I approached.

His voice broke me from my thoughts.
"Good as new," I chuckled as I walked to my horse.

His face was still serious. "Are you sure?"

"Not the first time I've been taken captive." I patted her neck and slid my hands down her back. "In this line of work, it probably will not be the last either."

He giggled. "No, that is true." He moved away a moment and returned with my saddle. He hefted it onto the back of my horse for me. He stood by while I strapped it on. I imagined it was just in case I decided I couldn't. I inwardly groaned at this. I did not like those around me seeing me as weak or incapable in any way.

"I can do it," I reassured. I tried to hide the glint of irritation from my tone, but even I heard how it sounded when the phrase rolled off my tongue. He held his hands up in surrender as he backed away but said nothing. I tried to make up for it with a small laugh.

Sihtric arrived with the men requested, and they set to work preparing their own horses. The men were all well armored and armed with swords and shields. This seemed like overkill, and it felt silly. We were going to ride over to this farm of six men, fourteen strong and crush them under our heel? I guess it sent a message.

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