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Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies.


Sihtric POV

My mind was foggy with drink, and I needed to piss. I stumbled, laughing, towards the door and out into the night air. I took sloppy steps down the stairs and to the left, cutting into the alley beside the tavern.

Someone was following me, and my mind slightly unfogged long enough for me to see it was Uhtred and then settled back into its tipsy haze. I started to undo my belt and then my buttons as he stepped next to me and did the same.

"How's Red?" His words were slurred, and what did he mean by that? He had to know what was going on, right? I mean, he wasn't an idiot.

"I want her," I sighed as I started to relieve my bladder of its burden.

"You want her?" He looked over at me strangely with a small chuckle, and I realized that I had actually spoken that out loud. I felt a sobering amount of dread settle into my stomach. This was not how I wanted to reveal this, and yet, it was happening. Right then, as I swayed on drunken legs and pissed in an alleyway.

"Well, I.. I want to court her."

He raised a brow. "What's stopping you then?"

"I did not want it to be against your wishes. She's your shield-maiden, and I'm your man." My stream stopped with the end of my statement.

"And you did not want to do anything without my blessing?"

I buttoned my pants back up and sighed. "Lord.." My vision swam, and I swayed softly. The last drink I had drunk was just starting to settle in. "I must admit that we already did."

He rebuttoned his pants. "You already did what?"

I giggled, my mind filled with hazy dullness and the sheer awkwardness of this whole thing. "We've already been.. spending time together."

He stared at me, and a smile tempted his lips to curve upwards. "You mean you've been humping her?" His tone was light and playful, but I could sense the disappointment hiding within.

I nodded slowly, suddenly very aware of what I had said. "Yes, Lord."

"Why hide this from me?"

I frowned as my drunk mind tried to catch up to just how incredibly stupid I was. "I.. uhh.. well, we.." I pushed my hand back through my hair to move it off my face, which now blushed deep red as I tried to pick the right words."It just happened, I guess."

He just stared at me. Thoughts blatantly flashed across his features, and I could tell that I had broken his trust in some small way. The look in his gaze made me feel instantly guilty. "Lord, I realize this was a violation of your trust, and I am ashamed of that.. but I would be lying to you if I said I felt regret."

He shifted a little more to face me better. He was quiet for a long moment even still, and his expression became more sober when he opened his mouth to speak. "I do not think that you should regret your actions, as passion is a natural thing, and at your age, lust is more than just common. It's expected. I do not believe that you intended any malice by your actions, and I will not be angry with you for this. But if you intend to go forward with Red, I expect nothing but pure intentions and honor from now on."

"Of course, Lord. If my intentions were not pure, I would not be telling you any of this." My eyes widened as I spoke, shocked at my own forthcoming of words.

He smiled softly, understanding crossed his face without me needing to explain further. "Thank you for telling me the truth. It was not a good thing that you shared her bed without permission, but I will forgive you for it."

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