"I trust you. All of you," I said, but he shook his head.

"We have reached the first one or two levels of trust, yes, but there are more levels to go."

"And how many levels are there?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I think we all have our own levels people need to reach."

"Right..." I muttered, and sighed again. "I don't actually think you guys would..."

Why was I talking about this?

"Hurt you?" he guessed.

I didn't reply. He waited for a moment, but when I said nothing, he took a careful step closer.

"That's the thing," he said quietly. "You trust us enough to know we won't hurt you, but we need to build higher levels of trust so you can stop fearing we could hurt you."

I didn't like the turn this conversation had taken, but his words made me feel better.

"Makes sense..." I muttered. "But can we not do this? I don't want to..."

"Of course," he said, and backed off.

I never should've said anything... I didn't want their pity. I didn't want to be treated differently. I didn't want to talk about it. I wanted to forget.

Can we...? my omega asked, shivering.

I could feel it shrinking inside me when it thought about the alphas that had hurt us. But what was the point of wallowing in the past? We got through it. We survived this far. It was over. Now I just had to get used to taking a shower with my teammates, and their ruts, that's all.

We were strong enough to forget if these people would just let us forget.

The wait for the others to come out of the showers was short, but an awkward one. I avoided Reid the best I could while he was giving me concerned looks and sniffs. Finally, the showers were empty, so I hurried to take my turn. I tried to be fast, since Reid refused to enter the showers while I was there. It was so fucking awkward...

I never should've said anything...

When I entered our bedroom in my pajamas, Reid left to take his turn. I ignored him while he walked past me, but as soon as he stepped out of our room, I felt bad. The guy was just concerned... He didn't deserve to be treated like air. Especially since he'd honored my wish to drop the topic.

With a sigh, I went to sit down on our couch to dry my hair. I was unable to push Reid out of my head, though I wasn't really trying to. He was such a good partner...

And hot... my omega added.

"Do not..." I muttered sternly.

My omega's mood was coming back up, mostly because it was waiting for Reid to return to us. It couldn't wait to chat with his alpha again.

Fucking flirt...

My omega ignored me and focused on the door.

I rolled my eyes and forcefully focused on my hair instead. It was getting a bit long now. I'd need a haircut soon to follow the...

I frowned while pulling on my dark strands so I could see how long they'd gotten. One and a half inches. It was way too long for infantry, but here, no one seemed to care. Hell, many of them had much longer haircuts. I needed to ask Reid about it...

I shook myself hard, then kicked Reid out of my head. Or tried to. But he entered my thoughts again, and I sighed.

I needed to apologize to him...

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