Chapter 13

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They had decided to wait and fix the engine in the morning. Samantha woke up to the sound of Quint crumbling about "this bastard shark"

She smiled contentedly at the sounds of the waves rocking the boat back and forth. She was relaxed against... against Hooper.

She tensed, realizing she was leaned into his side, his arm around her. She looked up, watching as he slept peacefully.

"At least I still have my clothes on." She muttered to herself.

The events of last night began to play in her head. She let out a sigh of relief. Nothing had happened. Well... aside from that drunken conversation but other than that, they had simply fallen asleep talking.

"Cuddling with shark boy?" Quints voice startled her.

"I was very drunk last night. Made some bad decisions." She grumbled.

Quints eyes widened and he looked as though he might vomit. "You and Hooper... on my boat... oh Jesus."

She furrowed her brows, trying to figure out what he meant. Then it clicked.

"No! No no no! No I mean all the drinking I did. Not... sexual decisions." She shook her head. "Sorry."

Hooper stirred underneath her. "I'm awake." He groaned. He jumped realizing his arm was wrapped around her waist. "Sorry." He mumbled.

Quint raised his eyebrows, looking between the two of them before shaking his head. "Cmon, let's get started on the engine."

Samantha sat on the floor of the deck and watched as they fixed the engine. It was nice just sitting there. After a minute she stood up and walked into the cabin. She rummaged through her bag until she found what she was looking for.

A completely full pack of camels. She didn't smoke often but when she did, she smoked about half a pack in one sitting.

She walked up to the bridge where her brother sat. She offered one to him which he gladly took.

"You and Hooper-."

"Don't Martin." She turned to him. "Please don't."

He nodded, taking a long drag of his cigarette. He squinted his eyes, looking out on the ocean. "Quint! Quint! There it is!" Martin yelled.

Samantha looked to where he was pointing and saw the yellow barrel bobbing in the surface.

"Whatta ya say, chief?!" Quint yelled up.

"The barrel is up! It's right in the stern!" Martin pointed out.

"I think he's right under the keg. Grab the boat, Hoop." Quint instructed. "Sam help him."

"He doesn't need help..." She protest.


"Quint, if we can get close enough, I've got things on board that'll kill him." Hooper told Quint.

"We just want to goose him up, come on. Okay... when he runs, you drop that rope or you lose your hands. I've seen fingers torn out at the knuckles. full of 'em. Hey boy! Give it to me a minute! --  Start the engine! Where are you goin'?" Quint yelled as Martin began to walk off.

"I'm gonna make a phone call." He mumbled.

Hooper and Samantha ignored the scene that was playing out inside the cabin of the boat and made their way to the bridge.

"It's gonna be and eventful day huh." Samantha chuckled.

"Probably." He sighed

Hooper and Samantha looked on as the barrel resurfaced. They watched it draw closer. "Shit."

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