Chapter 4

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"And then they all just fucking sat there! Just like a bunch of kids who don't know the answer to the question in fucking math class!"

She was pacing Quints shop, her hands flying wildly as she spoke. Quint was sat in his chair, leaning back as she spoke. He nodded along, listening to every word she said.

"Sam... you're brother did try to get Vaughn to close the beaches." He said, scratching his beard.

"We'll not fucking hard enough." She groaned throwing herself into the chair beside him. She propped her legs up into his lap, putting a hand over her face.

"You look tired."

She glared at him from under her arm. "Do I?" She asked sarcastically. "I wonder why?"

Quint chuckled. He patted her leg, handing her his can of beer. "You need it more than I do."

She took a long swallow and then groaned. "You've already drank half of it." She pouted.

He shook his head. "Good lord."

The two sat in silence for a moment, Samantha so close to being asleep. "They caught a shark you know."

She sat straight up, her eyes going wide. "The caught the shark!?"

Quint laugh. "A shark... not the shark. There's a difference. "From what I could hear it was a Tiger."

Samantha sighed, standing up. "I guess I need to go find my brother then huh?" She looked around. "What time is it anyway?"


"Damn." She ran a hand over her face.

"What's the matter?" Quint asked.

She smirked. "I've got to go meet my ex boyfriend at the Hilton. You know the rank ass hotel that nobody uses."

He snorted. "You have fun with that." He pulled his cap over his face and leaned back. "I think I might take me a good nap."

"Well fuck you too then." Samantha grinned, walking towards the door.

"Be careful!" Quint called to her.

"I always am!" She called back.

She ran to her house which wasn't too far from Quints shop. She hopped into her truck and raced to the Hilton which was just out of town.

"Five minutes late." She muttered, parking the truck. She saw Hooper sitting on a bench outside. He waved to her, offering a smile.

"Sorry I'm late. I was at Quints." She sighed, sitting down beside him.

He furrowed his brows, watching as she pulled out a cough and lit it. "Quint?" He asked.

She nodded, taking a long drag. "Yeah, he's great." She smiled.

Hooper nodded, disappointed. "Martin didn't tell me you where seeing someone."

Samantha coughed on the smoke from her cigarette. "Seeing someone?" She choked out.

He looked at her. "Yeah, Quint. Is he not-."

"No!" She cut him off. "Oh god no!" She shook her head. "He's like a father figure. No, I'm very much so not seeing him."

Hooper laughed. "Oh, sorry. I just figured... you know." He shrugged.

Samantha grinned, taking another puff of her cigarette. "No. I haven't had a long term relationship since..." She stopped, realizing what she was about to say.

"Me either." Hooper said casually, trying to ease her embarrassment. "Charlette and I only lasted a few months."

Samantha nodded, thankful for his relaxed answer. "So, you want to show me something you said?" She asked, referring to earlier when they had first met again.

"Oh!" Hooper grinned. "Hell yes, c'mon." He grabbed her hand, pulling her inside the hotel and into the elevator. He pressed the third floor button and turned to her.

"I've been tracking this shark. A white to be specific. It's got crazy feeding patterns. It hangs out in one spot for months at a time, and then finds another. He's already revisited three of his previous spots." He explained as they rode up the elevator.

Samantha nodded. "That's not normal behavior for the species... or most species really."

"Exactly! That's why I was so anxious to get your opinion." He said, taking her down the hall to his room.

She watched as he unlocked the door. "I've been tracking a shark with the same patterns. That's really weird, two white sharks doing the same odd thing."

Hooper took her inside and two a little desk in the corner. He opened up a map and spread it across the desk. It was marked with where all the shark had been.

Samantha studied it for a moment before hitting his arm in excitement. "This is the same shark I've been tracking! The patterns are the exact same it has to be!"

She ran her hand along the red lines that showed the travelled path. "Cape cod, Long Island, New Jersey..." She muttered.

She thought over the patterns and slowly the wheels in her head began to turn. If she was right, the next place on the sharks path should be...

"Holy fuck." She mumbled.

"What?" Hooper asked, looking over her shoulder. "What did you find?"

"This is our shark." She ran her hands through her hair. "Matthew you and I have been tracking the fucking shark that's been attacking these people!"

Hooper furrowed his brows looking over the map. He was silent for a minute before grabbing her arm.

"Take me to Martin."

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