Chapter 9

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Samantha hugged Martin as they loaded Micheal into the ambulance. "He's gonna be ok." She said.

Martin knew she was really trying to convince herself. "Of course he is." He nodded, kissing her forehead. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you too Marty." She smiled, watching her brother get into the back of the ambulance.

She stood there for a second, watching as they drove away. Hooper lightly touched her shoulder. "I'm gonna take you home, you're drenched."

She looked down at her clothes, realizing she was in fact soaking wet and covered in sand. "Shit... yeah I guess I should change."

She and Hooper walked to his car. He drove, listening as she gave directions to her house.

When they got there she unlocked the door, letting them both inside. "I'm gonna take a shower. Feel free to raid my kitchen." She chuckled.

"I am starving." Hooper tilted his head. "I'll make us some sandwiches, ok?"

"That sounds great, thank you." She smiled, touching his arm.

"Anytime." Hooper put his hand over hers and for a moment they just looked at each other. Samantha thought he must be reading her thoughts with how deep into her eyes he was staring.

She blushed and looked away, pulling away from him to go get a shower. Why did he have to be so cute?

As she stepped into the shower, she sighed, letting the steaming water run down her body. It's seemed to wash away all of her worries.

Samantha was conflicted. She had been since Hooper had arrived at Amity Island. It was becoming more and more clear to herself that she definitely still had feelings for him.

Why? That was a question she couldn't answer. He had broken her heart in college and as far as she was concerned, she shouldn't even be friendly to him.

But all he had to do was flash that bright smile and say her name. Samantha resented herself for being like that but oh well. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Hooper was having the same conflicts. How could he except her to just welcome him back into her life? It's not like he was very nice to her last go round.

In his mind he should have just dropped her off at home and then went on his merry way back to his hotel. He shouldn't be getting comfortable in her home.

The more he stayed around her the more he realized it would be harder to leave her again. But what could he do about that?

Samantha pulled on son jeans and a t shirt, pulling her wet hair back in a ponytail and calling it a day.

She walked into her living room to see Hooper sitting on her couch, two sandwiches sitting on the coffee table.

"You could have went ahead and eaten." She said, sitting down next to him.

He shrugged, handing her a plate. "I wasn't sure if you allowed eating in the living room."

Samantha quirked an eyebrow. "Matt, i practically live on this couch alone. Don't be worried about getting crumbs on my dollar tree throw pillows."

The two laughed before falling back into a comfortable silence. It lasted until they were both finished.

"Do you think Micheal will be alright?" Hooper asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, he's a tough kid. I mean... look at who his aunt is." She grinned.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He chuckled. "What are we gonna do about this shark."

"I have a feeling that after today, Martin won't let Vaughn do anything but agree to hire someone to catch the shark." She said.

Hooper looked down at his feet. "Who do you think they'll hire?"

"I've got a feeling it'll be Quint. He catches sharks for a living so... not many other options." She shrugged. "I don't know how I feel about that but it's not my decision."

He nodded. "Sounds like you two have a really good relationship."

"We do." She agreed. "You know my father was never really in the picture, and he kinda stepped up and took that place. Of course he only did it for me, not Martin, and he did it about twenty three years too late but that's ok."

"I can tell you're happy here, I'm glad to see that." Hooper smiled at her. She could tell it was genuine, and that only made her heart swell more.

"Are you happy?" She asked.

He was about to answer, but the phone rang. He smiled and stood up to answer it. Samantha watched as he talked for a moment before hanging up.

"Pack a bag, we're going shark hunting."

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