Chapter 8

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Hooper and Samantha were sitting in a little boat, listening for someone to say something.

"Damn it's hot." Samantha said, fanning herself with her hands.

"Yeah, I know." Hooper agreed. "Why dont you sit down and rest for a second, I'll watch the water."

She nodded. "That's the smartest thing you've ever said." She sat down beside him. After a minute she very cautiously leaned her head on Hoopers shoulder.

She could feel him tense under her, but relax after a few seconds passed. She smiled to herself.

It was nice being like this again. Just the two of them on a boat, soaking up the sun. For just a few moments she forgot why she was there.

"You know Sam... I... I really am sorry for-."

"Mad shark! Mad shark!" A voice came over the walkie. Both She and Hooper jumped up, completely alert now.

"Red one. Red one. Martin get people out of the water as fast as you can." Hooper said into the walkie.

The two watched as panicked ensued over the beach. People were shoving and pushing one another to get out. Samantha watched as a few little kids began to cry.

And then... then she watched as the cardboard shark fin flipped over and two little kids came out.

"What the hell?" She groaned. She turned to look at Hooper but something caught her eye in the pond. "Matt." She grabbed his arm.

"What?" He asked.

"Get me to shore."


"Get me to shore right now!" She cried. "There's a shark in the pond... my nephews in the pond!"

Without another word Hooper was speeding towards the opening of the pond. Samantha was practically hanging over the side of the little boat, hoping, praying.

"I've got to get to him." She muttered.

"We will." Hooper assured her.

Samantha could see him now, and she could see the shark swim right past him. When the boat was only a few feet away, she jumped into the water, swimming towards Micheal.

"Sam!" Hooper called after her.

She didn't listen, grabbing Micheal's arm and pulling him to the boat. With Hoopers help she pushed him in, crawling in after him.

"Mikey." She whispered, lightly tapping his face as Hooper sped towards the shore. "Mikey wake up."

She felt the boat hit the sand, and immediately scooped Micheal into her arms, carrying him towards her brother.

"He's dead!" Ellen cried, running up to him as Martin laid him on the sand.

"No he's not, he's in shock."

Samantha turned away from her nephew, burrowing her face into Hoopers chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him.

"Don't ever do that again." He whispered into her hair.

She nodded against his chest. She was about to say something before she heard Sean's cry's. She pulled away from Hooper, walking to her other nephew and picking him up.

He wrapped his little arms around her neck holding onto her tight as he cried. She cried as well, silently, but the tears fell down her face all the same.

Hooper watched as she rocked the small boy back and forth, looking at him with a look of hopelessness and fear... and something tugged in his chest.

For the first time since college he felt that same protectiveness. The way she looked at him made him realize he couldn't let anything happen to her.

He couldn't lose her again, and definitely not to some damned shark. As they stared at each other Matt Hooper realized something.

He realized that he was still absolutely and completely in love with Samantha Brody.

God his mother would never let him live this down.

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