The Siege

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Heather crouched silently in her hiding spot behind a tree, senses on high alert as she waited for Riddle and his retinue to arrive. They were fortunate that Dumbledore's grave was located in a part of the grounds that was surrounded by a copse of trees. She was carefully concealing her presence, enough that someone just a foot from her wouldn't sense her if they didn't see her.

She and Bill had set up the wards around the area the day before. It had been taxing to weave the highly-specialised wards over a large enough area, but they had done it.

She had met Hadrian here immediately after Severus left. They were the only ones here because their particular control of magic meant that they were the only ones with a chance of concealing themselves from Riddle's senses. They were responsible for giving the signal for the battle to commence. They couldn't risk having everyone lying here in wait for an ambush. Riddle would sense the gathering of magic from a mile away.

Her thoughts drifted briefly to Severus, wondering if he was okay. Riddle could be capricious at the best of times, and she hated it when Severus had to be anywhere near the madman. She sighed quietly as she thought back to their exchange just half an hour ago.

Just before a war (kind of) was definitely not the best time to be confessing her undying love, but she couldn't have let Severus walk away without letting him know her feelings. Much as she didn't want to think about it, she was well aware that there was a significant chance they would not both make it out alive.

Next to her, Hadrian squeezed her hand, snapping her out of her musings. She shook her head, both at him and herself. This wasn't the time to get distracted.

"Rian?" she whispered, eyes still monitoring their surroundings cautiously. She couldn't see anything yet, but her instincts were pinging at the front of her mind.


"Be careful, love you," she muttered quickly.

"Right back at'cha," Hadrian replied cheekily, sounding almost excited.

Typical Gryffindor. She rolled her eyes.

At once, they both pulled their presences deep within themselves, just as Riddle's revolting magic brushed up against their awareness.

He strutted dramatically, dozens of masked figures following after him. She tried not to feel panic at the numbers, having not expected him to bring so many DEs. She had hoped he would be arrogant enough to just take a small group, but she had underestimated his need for an audience. Heather hoped that it was because he wanted his minions to witness him doing whatever he was here for, not that he'd found out about the ambush.

Okay, okay. She had to calm down. There were about 25 Order members and 30 DA recruits which were fifth year and above joining the fight. They didn't have the advantage of numbers any more, but they weren't disadvantaged, either. They probably had an equal number on both sides. So long as the wards held, this wouldn't be a problem.

She and Hadrian waited with bated breath as the group approached Dumbledore's headstone. She carefully didn't react when she found Severus near the helm, standing too close to Riddle for comfort. He was in the direct line of fire should Riddle realise his treachery.

Once they had them where they wanted them, she and Hadrian sent off the signal via their coins. Immediately, the DA and Order members apparated into the confines of the ward, surrounding Riddle and his DEs. This was it. One way in, no way out, not unless the holder of the ward willingly dropped it – or died.

She had argued fiercely with her brother when he had volunteered for the role, but he had only needed one sentence to silence her on the matter.

'I'm already top of their kill list, no need endanger anyone else.'

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