A House, a Home, a Heart?

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Heather was distracted from the Sorting Hat's opening song by the enchanted night sky on the ceiling of the Great Hall. As easy as breathing, she picked out Leo from the mass, tracing in her mind the stars that formed the constellation. That was the first constellation she had learned to identify once she picked her Astronomy textbook up. Next, she found Lyra, in which Vega shone brightly. Outshining even Vega, however, was Sirius, the Dog Star. Heather didn't actually know how she knew that. Perhaps, she'd read it somewhere.

"Avery, Stenton!" Professor McGonagall called out. Snapping out of her scrutiny of the ceiling, Heather looked back at the platform where the Sorting was taking place. "Slytherin!" Loud applause came from where the house was presumedly sitting.

Heather's attention wandered again. There was still quite some time before her turn. Drifting her gaze to the Head Table, she looked at all the Professors in turn. The elderly wizard sitting at the head was probably the Headmaster. He looked remarkably like what muggles believed all wizards to be. Pointy hat, check. Long white beard, check. Bright and sparkly robes, definitely check. Heather wondered whether he did that on purpose to amuse himself or if the beliefs actually stemmed from him.

The other Professors didn't really stand out much. They either looked anticipatory or bored. There was a witch in particular who wore a long, gauzy shawl and an excessive number of necklaces and bangles. Her dazed expression gave the impression that she was intoxicated on either alcohol or other substances. Another rather short wizard looked a bit odd. Heather couldn't exactly place what was different about him, but she thought that he might be part creature.

Finally, the only other Professor she recognised. Professor Snape, the Potions Professor. He looked even more menacing now that school was in session, a feat Heather wouldn't have previously thought possible. His age (for he appeared much younger than the other Professors) obviously did not detract from his authority over his students. As if sensing her gaze on him, he looked directly into her eyes.

Heather jerked slightly at being caught staring, but she gamely gave the Professor a tiny nod and smile in greeting. He raised a mocking brow, as if to say 'What are you gaping at, you dunce?'. She quickly turned back to the ceremony, ostensibly because her turn was soon to come. Really, though, it felt like the forbidding man had gone easy on her. Not even a mild glower. So why did she still feel like she had just made a narrow escape?

"Peters, Stephen!" Oh, that was the boy in front of her. "Ravenclaw!" Heather straightened her posture, bracing herself. This would be a horrid time to realise she had stage fright.

"Potter, Heather!" She tuned out the sudden onslaught of murmuring in the crowd. Focussing on Professor McGonagall's encouraging expression, Heather walked steadily towards the hat.

The worn and dirty pointy wizard's hat was placed on her head. She wondered how this would work. Was it enchanted to test her aura? Or maybe a few questions would be asked to determine her personality?

'Ahh, an inquisitive mind deserving of Ravenclaw!' a gravelly voice suddenly boomed in her mind. Heather fought to hide her flinch of surprise.

'You're going to read my mind?' Heather concluded questioningly. That was slightly worrying.

'Right-o, Miss Potter! Yes, you would fit in well with the eagles. But, what's this here? Plenty of bravery and courage as well - protecting your brother against all who might harm him. Gryffindor would be pleased to have you! Hufflepuff could also do well by you, with your diligence and loyalty.'

'Sooo, which house do I suit best?'

'Really, you could be in any of those three houses. The one best suited though? Oh ho, you'll do great things there. Great things! Better make it...'

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