Blood of the Enemy

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Chapter Text

"So, are you ready for the third task later?" Heather asked, seating herself casually at the Gryffindor table during breakfast. She'd really held herself back from fussing over her brother this time, mostly in part by busying herself with other things. First the map, practising for Apparition lessons and then the research for Hadrian's scar. But now that the task was just hours away, she couldn't help worrying. Just a teensy bit.

"Here, have another helping. You'll need your strength." She spooned another large serving onto Rian's plate.

Rolling his eyes, Hadrian just ate the extra portion of eggs. And rashers. And grilled tomatoes. "Yep, Cedric and I have prepared well. We even have a navigating spell so we don't get lost in the maze."

"If you say so." Biting her lip, Heather glanced sideways at her brother. She cast a privacy ward around them. "I have something-"

"Heather!" Rian said, exasperated.

"Just humour me, alright?" She held up a pouch to him. He reached out to take it and poured its contents out onto his palm. It was a necklace made of simple chain-linked platinum.

"What is this for?" He knew his sister. This wasn't just for decoration.

"It's just a one-person Portkey to the Nest." She held up a hand, preventing him from interrupting. "You don't have to use it. You'll still be completing the Tournament with your own merits. It's just for emergencies, okay? I'd be more assured if you wore it." Sending him a pleading look, she whispered, "Please, for me?"

Her brother closed his eyes and groaned. She hid a grin - she had him. Schooling her face into the same wide-eyed expression as he opened his eyes again, she rejoiced inwardly when he put the chain around his neck.

"Happy now?" he groused half-heartedly. She didn't take his words to heart, seeing as he was admiring the gleaming metal.

"Very," she stated smugly. "Now, no one but you can remove the chain. And it has a three-pronged activation. Your voice and magical signature are needed, as well as a specific passcode. Basically, only you can use it. Even if someone else somehow uses it, they'll be sent to the Nest, where the wards will recognise that it's not either of us and trap them."

"Yeesh, you've thought of everything, haven't you?" Hadrian clearly remembered all the failsafes implemented into the goblin-made wards in their home.

"Of course!" She sniffed. "Anyway, the password is 'Domus'. I know, it's not very original."

Hadrian nodded. "Latin for 'home', appropriate." He looked into her eyes. "Thanks, Heather. I'll be alright, I promise."

"You'd better. Gryffs don't break their word." She just had a bad feeling about all this. She hugged him tightly, praying to Circe that all would go well.


Hadrian watched his sister walk off, fingering his new necklace. She was really very paranoid. Well, it wasn't much for him to wear it, and if it reassured her, then why not? If he was being honest, it brought no small measure of comfort to him as well.

His friends were looking at him questioningly. Well, Hermione was. Ron was still absorbed in his breakfast. "Tell you later," he whispered to her. As they (read: Ron) finally finished eating, they stood to get to their first class. However, they were stopped in their tracks by Professor McGonagall.

"Mr Potter, you are excused from classes today in preparation for the final task. If you would please come with me?" She gave pointed looks to Hermione and Ron, who got the message and went on to their first class.

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