A Crazy Party

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After Heather and Hadrian had had their tour of the house, Charlie suggested a pick-up game of Quidditch. Everyone agreed, aside from Percy, who preferred to read in his room. Hadrian was especially excited to try riding on a broom.

"Heard you're Slytherin's star seeker. Fancy a little match while the others sort things out?" Charlie whispered conspiratorially to Heather. She looked over to where Rian was being coached by Bill. Seeing that he was in good hands, she accepted readily.

"Best two out of three?" Heather suggested. The others didn't look even remotely ready.

"You're on!" Charlie said, releasing the snitch. "On three? One...two...three!" Both seekers took off like a shot.

The first round went to Charlie, who was more familiar with the landscape. Heather did her best to catch up but was waylaid by a lopsided tree here, a jutting rock there...

Having gotten a feel for the 'pitch', she flew more confidently in the second match. She spotted the snitch quickly and flew off after it as it darted over the uneven ground. Her head-start and agile manoeuvring won her the second match.

The third match was the closest. Both of them caught sight of the golden ball at the same time and sped towards it. The snitch seemed to realise that it was the tie-breaker and did its utmost to swerve and zigzag across the whole area. Heather had faster reflexes and could follow closer in the snitch's erratic path. However, Charlie was larger and had a longer reach. Thus, when they both reached out for their prize, Charlie's hand reached first.

When they landed, they were both grinning madly even as they panted for breath.

"That was brilliant! Wood wasn't exaggerating when he said you could fly for England," Heather praised, holding her hand out.

Charlie shook her hand firmly. "Are you kidding? You were great out there! If my arms were any shorter, you would have won. And you're only, what, thirteen?" He shook his head in amazement. "No wonder Slytherin won the Cup."

Heather waved her hand dismissively and demurred. She wasn't as incredible a flier as the older boy was. He had probably gone easy on her. She turned to see if the others were ready yet, wanting to change the subject.

Only to find them staring at them. At her. Bill and Ron looked kind of gobsmacked. Ginny and Hadrian had awed looks instead. Strange, he usually only did that when she performed new feats of magic for him. Fred and George just appeared smug and...triumphant? Mr and Mrs Weasley looked rather pale, though the matriarch was rapidly turning red.

"CHARLES WEASLEY!" Mrs Weasley hollered, "What were you thinking, making the poor girl fly so dangerously? She could have fallen and broken her neck!" She strode over to Heather and inspected her for injuries. Satisfied that she was in one piece, Mrs Weasley continued to berate her second son.

"Mrs Weasley, really, it's fine! I wasn't in any danger. I'm seeker for my house; I fly like that all the time. Haven't had any major injuries," Heather explained rapidly. She was still thrown by the worry the woman had shown her, going so far as to scold her own son. She also felt rather guilty of getting Charlie into trouble.

"Charlie and I simply agreed to a friendly seeker match. Bill was right there the whole time. He could have cast a levitation spell in the unlikely chance that any of us fell." Mrs Weasley looked, not exactly appeased, but not livid anymore at least. Charlie mouthed a thanks at her when his mother turned her attention to Bill instead.

Heather was then swarmed by eager redheads.

"Wow, Heather, that was incredible! Could you teach me to fly like that?" Hadrian asked excitedly.

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