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"What is your name?"

"Peter Pettigrew," the trussed-up wizard said tonelessly.

"Date of birth?"

"5 May, 1960."

Professor Snape nodded at the Headmaster. "The Veritaserum is in effect."

"Thank you Severus." Addressing Pettigrew again, the Headmaster said, "What happened on 31 October 1981 with regard to Voldemort's attack on the Potters?"

Dazedly, the man began his tale. "After I told my lord about the Potter's location-" Gasps were heard around the room. Professor Dumbledore made a silencing motion to hear the rest of the story. Eventually, Pettigrew grew quiet and ended his speech.

"You were the Potters' Secret Keeper, not Sirius Black." Even though it wasn't framed in the form of a question, the man answered affirmatively.

"You framed Sirius Black, who was, in fact, innocent?" Another 'yes'.

Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall seemed to deflate while Professor Snape grimaced heavily. Heather was in a similar state of mind. Wrongfully imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years. With all those dementors roaming about. How had the man coped enough to escape? No wonder Snuffles had been so emaciated.

Occupied with their thoughts as they were, they failed to realise when Pettigrew's expression cleared. Quick as a snitch, the man shifted to rat form again and scurried out through the cracks before any of them could react. Professor Snape cursed, and not the spell kind.

"Hurry, we may still catch him!" The three Professors sprang into action and rushed out the door. Hadrian himself unfolded the Marauder's Map to locate the little cretin. The dot was scurrying towards the hidden entrance at the One-Eyed Witch that led to Honeydukes. For a tiny rodent, it sure moved fast. Heather knew that they wouldn't be able to catch up to the damn thing. They also wouldn't be able to track it once it left Hogwarts.

Sighing in frustration, Heather searched the map for another name. Sirius Black wasn't in the school either. He must have retreated after that attempt on Hallowe'en night. "Snuffles isn't around either."

Hadrian looked grim. "So it really is him?"

She nodded. "I believe so."

"Explains why Snuffles was so happy to see us all the time," he said wistfully, "Our godfather..."

If Sirius Black hadn't been arrested, he could have been the one to raise them. They wouldn't have been sent to Privet Drive. Or perhaps they still would have. By virtue of the blood wards. She sneered inwardly at the thought.

Shaking off her heavy thoughts, she said hopefully, "When we see him next, we'll get to tell him that Pettigrew confessed!"

"But he escaped," Rian said mournfully, "We can't prove Snuffles' innocence!"

"We'll think of something," Heather said comfortingly.


In the end, Pettigrew had escaped despite the Professors' best efforts. Try as they might, Heather and Hadrian likewise couldn't find Snuffles in the days to come. He had truly backed off after his botched infiltration into the Gryffindor common room. The weather seemed to darken to match their moods. All of them (Heather, Hadrian, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George) took turns to scrutinise the map for signs of the wayward fugitive.

It had occurred to Heather a few days later to inform Professor Lupin of all this, but he had taken ill recently. Professor Snape had taken over the DADA classes, being inordinately focussed on werewolves even though that was taught in third year.

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