Greasy Git

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Heather rushed through her dinner and waved a quick goodbye to her boys at the lions' table. Time for another session with her Head of House. After fighting so hard to continue her extra lessons, she didn't want to be late.

Professor Snape had been worried that she would be too busy with her new classes to make time for anything extra. Of course, what he'd actually said was "Your arrogance in taking on these extra-curricular lessons in addition to your numerous electives is appalling." She took that as concern for her workload.

Heather had chosen four electives after her examinations last year. Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. She had wanted to take on all the electives but didn't think Muggle Studies was necessary, being muggle-raised and all. That, and the book had written that muggles used fellytones and escapators. Even if she had led a deprived lifestyle with the Dursleys, she knew enough that the class would be useless for her.

She absolutely adored her new classes, Ancient Runes especially. Enchantments put on objects by charms might be temporary, but rune-based enchantments could be made permanent. She practically devoured any book on the subject she could find. Professor Babbling had recommended several books for her since the others in the class were still at the basics.

Heather shook her head. Potions now, Runes later. Professor Snape looked up as she stepped in. "You asked about the Ageing Potion last term. We will be brewing it today." He swept into the adjoining laboratory, robes billowing impressively as usual.

"The preparation and brewing of Ageing Potion is not simple, but neither is it very difficult. In fact, the only reason it is taught in seventh year instead of third year is because most students in this school are entirely unappreciative of the subject and cannot be trusted around a soup pot, never mind a cauldron."

He handed her a parchment with the recipe written in vaguely familiar handwriting. "Explain the use of all the ingredients listed as you prepare them."

Heather read through the list before getting to work. The Professor had been training her to multitask efficiently as it was an important skill for competent potioneers to manage several brews at once. Even now, he had four cauldrons simmering as he instructed her.

She steadily diced, sliced and chopped various ingredients, explaining their purpose in the potion as she progressed. Coming to the final one, she hesitantly ground the tortoise shell to a fine powder as instructed. She paused in her explanation though. The ground tortoise shell? That didn't make sense.

"Professor Snape, shouldn't the tortoise shell be added whole?"

"Should it?" he commented dryly.

Heather furrowed her brows, though she continued grinding the shell. She could be wrong, but she was sure she wasn't. "The shell needs to gradually dissolve in the acidic base potion, because if it is incorporated too rapidly in its ground form, the potion will destabilise."

"Good." She smiled in satisfaction. She had pleased the Professor, it seemed. His mouth had twitched upward slightly, she was certain. "Now finish grinding that shell; I require it for Calming Draught. The new batch of OWL students have finally realised how hopelessly unprepared they are."

"Speaking of new students, how was your first lesson with the Gryffindor first years this morning?" Heather asked, putting her silver cauldron over the fire.

"Just another ragtag group of dunderheads in who are unlikely to even hear of my NEWT classes, let alone receive admittance to it."

Amused, she asked, "Did you give your speech?" Now, that had been art. It was a wonder so few students took an interest in the subject with inspiring first insight the Professor gave.

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