All's Fair

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The man glared fiercely at the gathered students. All the fourth thru seventh years had been ordered to meet in the common room for an announcement. Heather couldn't help but wonder what it was that their Head of House had to say. It wasn't often that he called for a house-wide meeting, especially since the Prefects were capable of passing on any information he needed to convey.

The moment he opened his mouth, everyone sat up straighter, giving their fullest attention. Not that they hadn't been before, but one could never be too attentive when it came to Professor Snape.

"In accordance with Triwizard Tournament traditions, there will be a ball organised on Yule this year. Only students above fourth year will be able to attend. However, younger years may do so if escorted by any fourth to seventh year. That is the only," he narrowed his eyes warningly, "exception. I expect that all of you will comport yourselves with dignity and composure. Keep in mind that the foreign students and teachers will be present as well. Any misdemeanour reflects poorly on our house and on me, so do not give me cause to punish any of you."

"Yes Professor," Heather said dutifully, together with her housemates.

"Very well. As this is to be a formal ball, you are all required to be attired in dress robes and have a companion for the evening. Dancing will be expected - formal, not that foolish wiggling about you dunderheads do these days. All of you will dance gracefully, or not at all. Seeing as there is still three weeks' time left, I suggest you take the time to practise."

And with that, without so much as a farewell, he swept out of the room. As soon as he did so, murmuring broke out amongst the students. Most of them appeared excited. Heather figured it was probably because they were already accustomed to high society events. She didn't know how to dance, but Daphne, or even Astoria, would probably be willing to teach her. She turned to the side and asked as much to the younger witch.

"Oh, of course Heather! With your grace, I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time." With a sly look, she whispered, "And you'll charm your date right off his feet! Who do you think you'll go with? Of course, a boy will have to summon up his courage to ask first - Salazar knows you have a bit of a reputation."

Confused, Heather asked, "What reputation? I hardly talk to any males besides Fred, George and my brother."

"Exactly!" Giggling, the fourth year said, "People call you the Slytherin Ice Princess, you know, because you appear so standoffish. Not to mention you're top of your level, excellent at Quidditch, beautiful. No one can hope to match you!"

Heather simply furrowed her brows. She didn't get it, but whatever. No doubt Daphne was exaggerating, as she was wont to. At any rate, she wasn't looking forward to the ball at all. There wasn't any boy in school she was even marginally interested in, not in that way at least. When she tried to think of anyone she would like to go with, intense dark eyes flashed suddenly in her mind.

Startled, she put all thoughts of the ball out of her head as she settled down for her nightly meditation.


It seemed to Heather that the whole student body had been dosed with Amortentia overnight. New couples sprouted out of nowhere. Everywhere she turned, she saw students in various states of entanglement. Handholding here, kissing there. One particularly amorous couple had been caught in flagrante delicto near the Transfiguration classroom by the scandalised Professor McGonagall herself.

It had been a week since the announcement and the lovey-dovey atmosphere showed no signs of abating. If this kept up until the Yule Ball, it would be a very long fortnight indeed.

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