Mind Over Matter

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"For the last time, guys, I'm totally fine now!"

Since her episode that day in DADA, Fred and George had been completely unbearable. They shot glances at her every few seconds, offered to carry her bag - despite that it was charmed feather-light - and followed her everywhere, even to the library. All of the hovering was driving her nuts, not to even mention what her brother had been doing since he found out. She was getting déjà vu to the summer after her third year.

She knew that they were just worried about her, but their behaviour wasn't helping in the slightest!

"You sure Heather?" George asked.

"We have Defence tomorrow," Fred added.

"Yes, I was caught off guard last time. I'll be better prepared if Professor Moody does it again." She sighed. "Now will you let me eat my dinner? It's Wednesday."

Surprisingly, Fred and George acquiesced and returned to their own table without any further comment. Not even a scowl at the mention of their Potions Professor. Out of character for them, but it pleased her that perhaps they were leaving their distaste for Professor Snape behind.

After finishing her meal, she made her way to his office. She hesitated at the door, remembering their last encounter. Her memory of it was hazy - she'd still been a little out of it - but she recalled most of what she'd said. And the way he'd all but run out.

Well, here went nothing... She knocked on the door. A longer pause than usual, before he called for her to enter. She didn't think the unwillingness in his voice was imagined. Would Professor Snape cease their weekly meetings now? A sharp pain stabbed her heart.

"Professor Snape," she greeted carefully. His face didn't give anything away, maintained in a neutral look.

"Miss Potter. We will not be having a potions tutorial today."

Her cautious hope was crushed. He wanted to stop. No more witty banter over a boiling cauldron. No more teasing of reluctant smiles out of the stoic man. Her expression crumpled before she could help it. Forcefully schooling her features, she nodded once. "I understand, sir." She made to turn around.

"Oh for- Take a seat, Miss Potter!" the Professor said in annoyance.

She looked up. "Professor?"

"I will not repeat myself."

Right. Seat. She quickly sat in her usual chair (Would it continue to be hers?) and dared a glance at the man.

"We will not be doing potions today as I have something else on the agenda," he explained.

Oh. "I thought, what I said the other day-"

"We will not be discussing that," he cut her off curtly.

That suited her just fine. As long as he didn't stop these sessions, they could be doing Divinations for all she cared. Not that they would; the Professor abhorred the subject.

"You are still having nightmares, are you not?" She nodded. "That is because your memories of past events run unchecked in your mind. While you may be able to mostly," he gave her a pointed look, "avoid thinking of them while conscious, your mind becomes vulnerable while you are asleep. You need to train your mind. Control your memories, do not let them control you."

How could she do that? She asked as much, curious.

"Tell me, Miss Potter. Have you heard of Occlumency?"


Heather fell backwards on her bed, closing Mind Magickes: Occlumency and Legilimency with a sigh.

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