Wedding Bells and Vicious Spells

Start from the beginning

"You're not!" Hadrian protested immediately. "They did terrible things to us, terrible things to you! It's only logical to feel like that, knowing they can't possibly hurt us anymore."

"It's stupid," she huffed, clenching her fists, "because with our magic they wouldn't be able to anyway. I know that. But I guess I didn't really know. Not until I saw that newspaper and realised they could never do anything to us again." Her brows scrunched up in frustration. "But it's not like I would have wished for them to be murdered. I'm just not all that sad that it happened."

"Yeah," her brother said, subdued, "I get what you mean. I feel the same." Hadrian tilted his head a little. "Okay, maybe with the exception of Vernon Dursley. Him, I think deserved all he got."

There was a part of her that was vindictively satisfied, but there was also another part that was pitying. What had been done to them was nothing short of cruel and sickening.

There was a careful knock on the door. "Hadrian? Heather? May we come in?" came Hermione's voice.

With a wave of her hand, the locking and silencing spells came down and the door swung open to reveal their friends.

"Come in, guys," Hadrian said.

His calm demeanour was enough to reassure the others and they piled into the room.

"What happened? Mum and Dad wouldn't tell us?" Ginny asked, biting her lip in worry.

"Is it Volde-"

Heather cut Ron off in the middle of the name. "Please, don't say that name. I'll explain later, but for now just use some other nickname."

"Okay," Ron continued, nonplussed, "did old Mouldyshorts do something?"

She and Hadrian shared a loaded look. She made a nonchalant gesture to let him explain.

"Riddle and a bunch of DEs killed the Dursleys yesterday," he said simply, showing them the newspaper.

Gasps were heard around the room. They all gathered around to read the article. Most of them were pale by the end of it. Heather understood. It was gruesome, no matter her personal feelings for the people involved.

"How are you-"

"-two holding up?"

She looked at Fred and George and smiled at them. "We're fine. They weren't exactly the nicest people to us."

"Just because you weren't close," Hermione said, watching her and Hadrian carefully for their reactions, "doesn't mean that you don't mourn them."

Ron elbowed the girl. "Oh c'mon! They are- were, absolute tosspots and you know it! They don't deserve any sadness."

"RON!" Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George all shouted in unison.

"It's true!" the boy maintained defensively.

Hadrian chuckled, patting his best friend on the back. "Let up on him guys. Ron's sort of right, anyway. I don't really feel sad for them, but it isn't right, what was done."

"You're sure you're alright, Hadrian, Heather?" Ginny asked.

They both nodded.

Fred came to put an arm around her while George did the same to Rian.

"Well, that's all we need to know, but-"

"-you guys need anything then say so."

"We're all here for you," Hermione said.

Ron nodded and everyone turned to see what words of comfort he had.

"Yeah, what they said."

And that seemed to break the sombre mood, making everyone burst into laughter.

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