Getting Things in Order

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"Actually," Granger said, raising her hand like it was a bloody potions class, "I think Heather should explain, since she knows most of the story." The girl looked at Heather. "That's if you're up to it, of course, sorry!"

"That's fine, Hermione. Someone will have to fill in what happened at the end, though. I wasn't exactly there for that." Heather looked wryly down at her arms.

"Of course, please go on, Miss Potter," Minerva said.

It seemed that the older woman had stepped up as de-facto leader in Albus'...absence. He quickly shoved the thought away, forcing himself to focus on Heather's voice.

Heather's explanation on the evacuation procedure was not new to him, though he was relieved to note that no students had been harmed during the attack. He noticed she had made only a brief mention of the warning she had received about the invasion and did not even hint at who she had received it from. Using the house elves as a means to teleport around the castle had been a resourceful way of getting ahead of the Deatheaters, as well as transporting the defeated ones to safe holding cells.

Howell would need to suggest a way to permanently incapacitate those prisoners, however, knowing that neither Ministry nor Hogwarts cells would keep them locked up for long.

It was the mass battle at the base of the Astronomy Tower that he was most interested in, however.

"There was a ward on the entrance to the tower that only allowed people with the Dark Mark to enter. I have some knowledge on how to create wards, but not on how to dismantle them."

Nearby, Bill Weasley chimed in, "We'll get right on that."

Heather shot the man a happy grin which made Severus burn with an emotion he did not wish to name. He had not known the two were so close.

"Anyway, then Cedric and Professor McGonagall arrived. Between the three of us, we were able to take the barrier down. It was a wasted effort, though, because that was when the DEs descended the tower."

Severus tried very hard not to think about what had prompted the quick retreat.

"Most of the Inner Circle was there, I think," Heather said, eyes darkening briefly. "I didn't really get a clear view, because then I was attacked by Greyback."

He could not help but stiffen at the name. He looked back at Heather arms. Fenrir Greyback was a savage beast who could tear a squadron of Aurors to shreds within minutes. Just the very thought of the monster setting his sights on his Heather made Severus want to rage at the world. Already his mind was whirling with plans to deal with the werewolf.

Oh Salazar, werewolf.

Were the bandages hiding bite scars?

No, the full moon was still a few days away. A small mercy.

A loud scoff caught the attention of everyone in the room, which thankfully left Severus to try and collect himself in peace.

"Hah! That's what happens when little girls try to face real opponents!" Doge said with a condescending sneer. "Greyback's a beast, he's defeated bigger and better wizards than you! You're lucky to be alive!"

The elderly wizard's words were incendiary, enough to stir everyone into a frenzy. He had always been a self-righteous, chauvinistic swine.

"Yes," Heather said calmly, cutting through the tension, "I was rather lucky that Bill saved me."

The incredulous look that the eldest Weasley child threw Heather was met with a grateful smile. Severus ignored the burst of irritation.

Doge's sneer was back in full force before she then continued, "I'd been pinned down onto the floor like a butterfly. Greyback had his claws out, ready to disembowel me. He likes snacking on the livers of children, or so I've heard."

White Heather for ProtectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora