Amortentia Lessons

Start from the beginning

"Remarkable, it looks just the right shade of aquamarine! Severus says you've only just signed on as his apprentice?" The man turned his eyes to her, interest not abating in the least in his gaze.

Realisation hit her. This was the new Potions Professor! That was why Severus had brought him to the lab.

She nodded in response to the man's question. "Yes, it's been a few weeks now."

Severus, finally having had enough, cut off the older man just as he opened his mouth. "Heather, this is the new Potions Professor, Horace Slughorn. Horace, meet my apprentice Heather Potter."

Slughorn reached out to shake her hand enthusiastically. "Heather Potter, what a delight! Severus," he turned to wag a finger at the man, "you never told me your apprentice was theHeather Potter!" He quickly retracted his hand, which was just as well, since Severus looked just a second away from hexing it off. "I met your brother the other day as well. Nice boy, Hadrian. And it looks like you've gotten your mother's penchant for brewing! Brilliant girl, she was. One of my best students! Such a tragedy what happened to James and Lily. My condolences, truly."

Heather blinked at the long stream of words. "Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Professor Slughorn."

"Oh, call me Horace, dear. You aren't a student, after all! I'm sure we'll be working a lot together, seeing as you are a potions apprentice. I'd be happy to teach you a few tricks myself! I'm sure Severus will be able to spare some of your time for me, won't you Severus?"

The man was very verbose. Perhaps he just liked to hear himself speak. It reminded her of Lockhart. Hopefully Slughorn – Horace – wasn't as incompetent.

"Heather may do whatever she likes with her time, so long as she completes the tasks I set out for her."

She shot Severus a grateful look for the ambiguous answer. It gave her an out if she so needed it.

"Of course, of course! I wouldn't steal away your apprentice, after all, no matter how lovely she is." Slughorn gave her a cheeky wink, to which she smiled blandly in reply to. She saw Severus scowl heavily at the man.

"Excuse me, you wouldn't mind if I continue? There is still some prep work I need to complete before the timer runs out," Heather said, gesturing to her workstation. She was hoping Slughorn would take the hint.

"Go ahead! It would give me an opportunity to see you work!"

Unfortunately not.

Severus gave her a look from behind Slughorn to just go with it. He looked far from happy to do it, but she guessed he didn't really have a choice. Perhaps Dumbledore had asked him to play nice.

Withholding a sigh, Heather grabbed the jar of moonflowers and picked out three of them. If she couldn't brew with an audience watching, scrutinizing her every move, then she couldn't call herself a good potioneer. And from her brief acquaintance of the man, she expected that he would want to talk to her as well.

"Is this your first time attempting the Wolfsbane?" Called it.

She heard Severus let out a quiet snort at the query and barely stifled a grin herself. "No, I brew it every month for an acquaintance."

"Why, that is amazing! The potion is notoriously difficult to brew. I daresay Damocles himself had much trouble with it. What have you been teaching your students, Severus?"

Great, hopefully Slughorn would engage Severus and leave her to her potion.

"Heather is very much advanced compared to her peers."

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