"Come on, Hadrian. I'm fine. It was just magic depletion and some bleeding." She rubbed soothing circles into his back. "I'll be right as rain in no time."

It took several minutes of this before her brother calmed down enough to start speaking, but not to detach himself from her.

"You were justlying there, on the ground. Anyone could have just come over to attack you. Heck, Voldemort was right there in that atrium. If it weren't for Dumbledore, you wouldn't be here right now!" Well, it looked like she hadn't been hallucinating after all.

Suddenly, Hadrian pushed himself off of her to look her straight on with a fierce scowl. "I can't believe you came with the Order to the Ministry! What were you thinking?Did you want to get killed?"

At the reminder, Heather matched her glower with his. "Oh, really? You want to talk about being reckless? At least I didn't run off to the Ministry with a handful of underaged students to battle Voldemort and his cronies head on!" And she didn't allow her brother a word in edgewise when he tried to open his mouth. "And don't you dare say you couldn't get help, because you jolly well could have come to me or Fred or George or any Professor, even Madam Pomfrey!

"Don't even get me started on getting caught in that trap in the first place! You didn't think to check on Sirius before rushing headlong into danger? Haven't you been keeping up your mental shields while you skived off on our Occlumency lessons? I should have just dragged you by the ear to them! I don't care if you think I'm smothering or hovering, but if I can keep you safe and alive, then by Salazar's Silky Slippers, I'm going to do it!"

Heather was panting as she ended her rant, quickly grabbing her refilled glass to soothe her dry throat. Oh wow, she hadn't realised getting that off her chest would feel quite so good. All the pent up frustration and hurt she'd experienced over the past few weeks finally had an outlet.

"...I'm sorry."

She almost choked on her water. Wiping away the bit that spilled down her lips, she blinked in disbelief at her brother. He was hunched over himself, looking the picture of contrition.


"I'm sorry, okay?" Hadrian gripped the bedsheets under his hands, crumpling them up. "I'm sorry I ran off without telling anyone. I'm sorry I didn't try harder to learn Occlumency. And I'm sorry I was such an utter arse!"

Heather was stunned. She'd expected more arguing from him. She wouldn't have let it dissuade her – she could out-stubborn him if she put her mind to it – but she didn't think he'd fold so easily.

"Well. That's...great?" She peeled his hands away from the poor sheets. "We can resume our lessons next week."

Hadrian jerked back. "That's it? Why aren't you mad? You should be furious with me!"

"Well, I was. Didn't you hear me rail at you just a minute ago?"

"I told you to stay away from me even though you were just looking out for me!" Hadrian cried, frustrated.

She sighed. "I was more hurt than mad. I was really hurt. You wouldn't be able to imagine how much. It was like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. You made me cry."

Hadrian flinched, trembling a little at her words. He tried to pull his hands back, but she held firm.

"And maybe I was a little angry. But you know what? I could never stay mad at you for long, Hadrian." Tightening her hold on his hands, she added, "You're my little brother." Her eyes watered a little. "I love you."

White Heather for Protectionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن