"Well, I'm really excited!" She really couldn't help it. She stood up again and started pacing. She had to do something.

The twins opened their mouths to say something but were interrupted by a deafening downpour of rain. The three of them snapped their eyes to the window, seeing the storm in full blast.

"Well, there you go!" George said cheerfully.

Heather ignored his cheeky comment, running to the warded shelf and taking out their potions.

"C'mon, less dawdling more drinking!"

They quickly sat in a circle on the floor, a distance between each other in case they turned out to have large animal forms, spoke the incantation and gulped down their potions.

Immediately, Heather felt a strange tingling sensation spread outwards from her core to encompass her whole body. It was unlike other transformations, like the Polyjuice or Kitty Kandy potions, though she couldn't put her finger on why.

The tingling continued for several more moments, which was strange because she had somehow expected to change more quickly than that. She exchanged glances with Fred and George, shrugging when they looked at her questioningly. Hadrian was the one more knowledgeable on the animagus transformation, though in hindsight she probably should have read up on it before drinking the potion too.

As the seconds ticked by, the feeling grew in intensity, as did her worry. What if she had somehow messed up the potion? What kind of horrors could happen to someone who didn't do the whole process correctly?

"This is started to get-"

"-kind of uncomfortable."

"Do any of you have a book on Animagi?" Heather asked nervously. Maybe now would be a good time to find out more. Better late than never, and all that.

Fred pointed over to a bookcase. "Over there I thi-" Then, he doubled over with a shout.

Heather and George jerked forward to try and catch him, but then they too followed after.

It now felt like there were tiny bowtruckles crawling up and down Heather's skin like she was their hometree. Distantly, she felt her spine bowing into itself and her limbs contorting into odd positions. Soon, she blacked out just as she hit the floor.


Heather blinked awake feeling like she had been hit by a bludger. A bludger going at the speed of the Hogwarts Express. She chirruped in distress at the aching in her body.

...Wait. Chirruped?

She tried to clamber to her feet, but she couldn't use her arms to push herself up. Mainly because she didn't have any. What she did have were golden yellow wings.

Damnit, Fred and George better not have snuck her another Canary Cream. She looked around for them, knowing they must be nearby if they had tried to prank her.

She found no ginger twins, but she did catch sight of a pair of red foxes who seemed to just be coming to consciousness. The strangeness of this confused her until her mind finally cleared up and she remembered what she had been doing before passing out.

Merlin, she sincerely hoped that she hadn't acquired a bird brain as well as body with this Animagus transformation.

With great struggle, Heather got to her feet (tiny twigs of things) and looked down at herself. She was absolutely puny! That was so unfair. She knew it was common for one's Patronus and Animagus to have the same form, but she'd hoped she would have a more fearsome animagus that a teensy little snidget.

White Heather for ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now