Bloody Catastrophe

Start from the beginning

Despite her reassurance, Mipsy didn't really look very convinced.

Fred and George chimed in to try and persuade the elf. "The potion's effects will only last an hour-"

"-at most! And the butt of the joke is-"

"-only Umbridge, not any students."

"She's a nasty little bitch-"

"-isn't she? Always yelling at you elves!"

The little elf now looked more tempted

"She's been hurting the students, y'know?"

"Don't you want her to get payback for that?"

Now, a determined glint entered Mipsy's eyes. It seemed that all it took for her to cave was the mention of the students being threatened.

"Miss Heather and Misters Weasley can be giving potion to Mipsy. Mipsy be putting the potion for yous in the pudding!" She thrust her hand out eagerly to take the crate of phials. She cradled the proffered crate reverently in her arms, muttering, "Mipsy be showing Bitchy not to mess with her students, yes Mipsy bes doing that!" With that, Mipsy flounced off with a disturbingly high cackle.

Heather was at once both impressed and unnerved by the bloodthirsty look Mipsy sported as she turned away.


It was with hidden smirks that Heather, Fred and George attended dinner that day. They couldn't wait to see the look Umbridge's face when their prank unfolded. They had even set up wizarding cameras in various locations of the Great Hall that were specifically locked in on the old toad.

She patiently sat through the first part of the evening, serving herself a hearty meal of steak and roasted vegetables. No one would suspect anything afoot from watching her calmly eat her meal. Of course, this was to be expected from any self-respecting Slytherin or prankster.

Finally, the much-anticipated portion of the meal arrived. The dessert plates started to pop up on the table, courtesy of the house elves. She didn't bother to hide her glee as she got a huge serving of treacle tart for herself. Her sweet tooth was no secret from her fellow students, but little did they know, her enthusiasm tonight was hardly to do with the sugary confection placed before her.

Without a single hint of hesitation, she devoured the treacle tart. She noted with great amusement that Fred and George had dared the guys around them to an impromptu eating contest and were currently wolfing down on large slices of chocolate cake. Around her, most of the students had started digging in to their own desserts. Only a scant few of them refrained, she was pleased to note.

By her estimate, she just had to wait a few more minutes for the potion to come into effect. It would typically work immediately, but George had had the foresight to make the potion have a delayed onset to ensure more people would consume it before it showed effect. Not long now...

Heather surreptitiously flicked her fingers towards all the entrances, locking them heavily to prevent escape. Thank Salazar for her great timing, because just as she did so, Dumbledore sensed the magic being cast but was distracted by the first transformation of the night.

Shrieks erupted from the Gryffindor table as Ronald Weasley bent over himself before growing fur and morphing into a human-sized,

Heather couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It figured that the boy would be the first, seeing as he guzzled down food with the speed of a starving street urchin.

The Professors all stood in alarm at the sudden transformation, Professor McGonagall being the first to move towards her lions. Meanwhile, Umbridge screamed in horror, backing away.

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