Apologies and Punishment

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She wished she could give him a good reason, at least, but she found none. "I tried to do too much in too little time. Fred and George and Hadrian tried to tell me to rest more, but I wouldn't listen. This is all my fault."

"Yes, it was." That statement was said so casually, so matter-of-factly that this time she didcringe.

"I know." She finally looked up. She still felt ashamed, but she had to look him in the eye for this. "I am very sorry for what I did, Professor. I endangered everyone because I recklessly thought I could brew even when I was fighting exhaustion and about to collapse. I accept any punishment that you deem fit." She bowed her head in apology and clenched her fingers in the starched bedsheets.

There was a drawn-out moment of silence after she spoke, in which she was pushed down the urge to fidget nervously. The Potions Master was obviously furious with her. Every good potioneer knew the dangers of brewing when not in full possession of their mental faculties. In fact, that had been one of his very first lectures in first year.

She heard him sigh in irritation. "Look up, you imbecilic girl." Meekly, she lifted her head. "Are you certain you are not facing any problems? It has been brought to my attention that you have not been in the best of conditions as of late. Even theGryffindorshave noticed. I know for a fact that you have been employing the use of a glamour to hide your exhaustion."

Stunned, Heather looked closer at the man. The set of his mouth gave off a distinctly awkward air. He was actually frettingover her. Despite herself, warmth filled her chest at the thought, causing her to smile.

"What are you smiling at!" he growled. Oops.

"Nothing, sir," she replied, covering her mouth with a hand when her attempt to school her expression failed. Her lips weren't obeying her. "I really wasjust overworking myself. Don't worry, it wasn't nightmares that were keeping me awake." Her nightmares were few and far between, now that she had more or less mastered Occlumency.

He scrutinised her closely with his penetrating gaze, as if to catch her out on a lie. If she didn't know any better, she would think he was Legilimising her. But, no, her shields were holding firm. Still, the gaze felt like a physical caress, so heavy it was. Through no conscious effort on her part, she leaned forward towards him. The atmosphere felt strange, with both of them so close in the dimly-lit room. And when had he moved so near?

The moment was shattered when the Professor abruptly cleared his throat and stepped backward almost hastily. Oddly enough, she felt let down by the sudden distance.

"Well," the Professor said. His voice had, for some reason, taken a slightly hoarser rasp. It drew her out of her musings. "I expect that this will not be repeated?"

Heather shook her head emphatically. "Never again, sir. I've learnt my lesson." And what a hard lesson it was.

"See to it," he ordered curtly. With a final nod in her direction, he swept out of the room. She might have just been imagining things, but it seemed like he was in a hurry.


When Heather opened her eyes next, it was to bright rays of light. She absentmindedly cast aTempus, noting that it was breakfast time. She wondered if Madam Pomfrey would let her attend classes today. She had spent almost 20 hours out cold, after all. She reckoned that she had had enough rest in that time. In fact, she felt better than she had in weeks. Her mind was clearer and she didn't feel like she would nod off at any given moment. She had truly been such an idiot, putting off rest for so long.

Just then, the Mediwitch came out of her office door. "Ahh, good you're awake." She approached her, casting a general diagnostic. Nodding grimly at whatever results she had gotten, Madam Pomfrey shot a chiding look at Heather.

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